Anything goes  with the kind of  'cultural'(read apolitical)
intellectualism here which doesn't move beyond the borders of the
I hear that Sukumar Azhikkode has chastised CR Neelakantan for 'asking
it' by his inappropriate speech( read just saying things which will
not be liked by  people who really matter) .
'Fears of Intellectual Jehad' aside, I was taken aback by seeing the
name of the person who wrote the Forward for a book to be released
today at Kannur. It was the fourth in a series of books being
published under Kerala Muslim History Series Books by the publishers ,
and the book  was titled Pracheena Malabar.
On a receiving a message from a friend,  I instantly shot these words
as a quick response:-
 Shame on the publishers that they needed the introduction to be
written by no lesser person  whose scholarly wisdom  was available to
the demolishers of the Babri Masjid as well!
My message was promptly transmitted by my friend to the publisher.
I will appreciate it very much if the friends here could tell me of
the propriety or otherwise of my "intolerant " response!

On May 30, 1:09 pm, Mahtab Alam <> wrote:
> Hameed Chennamangalur’s recent article in the *Mathrubhoomi Weekly* (16 May)
> in Malayalam seems to have set alight a new round of fears about the ‘hidden
> agenda’ of Muslim extremism . Over the past weeks many friends, mostly
> left-liberals, have been urging me to take heed of the warning issued by
> Chennamangalur, a well-known, long-time critic of Muslim identity politics.
> --
> Phone:+ 91-9811209345

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