Tehelka’s Populist Turn – The magazine joins the Great Kerala Terrorist Hunt
October 9, 2010
By admin

Sudeep K S and Bobby Kunhu

Kerala’s Radical Turn — cries the cover of the last issue of Tehelka
(dated 1st October, 2010). The cover story by V K Shashikumar, that
plays the familiar tunes of Islamophobia, hints at Tehelka’s Populist
Turn. It will be interesting to see where Tehelka goes from here, and
what happens to its current reader base that distinguished the
magazine from the likes of The Indian Express and The Times of India
and India Today.

In the article titled “Here Come the Pious”, Shashikumar lists some
facts and his personal fears, on the eve of the Allahabad High Court
judgment on the Babri Masjid land dispute. What is missing in the
entire article is reason. The byline says that “A new Islamist body,
the Popular Front of India, is causing alarm with its religious
overdrive in the south.” After one goes through the article, however,
what one gets is a glorified picture of the outfit. Whether the author
likes it or not.

The piece opens with the Rayana episode, where a young engineering
graduate got threats for wearing jeans in the Kasargod district of
Kerala. “They said they were from the Popular Front of India.
Initially it was teasing and harassment. But harassment is worse than
a threat to life. The comments and staring each time I ventured out,
as if I was a criminal, was intolerable. They wrote to me saying they
want me to wear purdah. They said what I did was blasphemy. But I
don’t think it is a problem of Islam. This is an issue of the right
over one’s body. It is sad that everybody is making it out as a
religious problem, even those who support me,” says Rayana. (quote
from the article). And without any guilt whatsoever, the author does
the same: makes it out as a religious problem.

Many Muslim women in Kerala wear jeans and other modern outfits. So if
one Rayana is getting targetted for what she wears, we as a mature
society should extend our support to her and find out why she gets
targetted. Sadly, all that the author sees is “Them” — the imaginative
enemy. It seems the author has not even bothered to cross verify with
women’s groups and feminist activists who have been involved in
extending support to Rayana – nor has he done any homework or checked
with other journalists in Kerala.

The article says: “They hated her jeans. They called her at odd times,
men she didn’t know, and told her what they would do with her if she
didn’t dump the jeans and put on purdah. Each time Rayana stepped out,
they stared and said horrible things.. Then, four months later, she
wrote to the Women’s Commission asking that she be allowed to wear
what she likes. The state posted constables to protect Rayana so she
could sport denim. Now, they stalked her. One day Rayana was returning
after meeting her lawyer in Ernakulam, a town near the middle of
Kerala. The constable got off midway. A group tried to block the car
Rayana was in. She drove off. They chased the car and attacked her
with stones. She had to drive to a town nearby, where the locals lent
a touch of security. All this, because they didn’t like what she
wore.” Who are “They”? Has the author cared to find out before flaring
up this fear for “Them”? Are we forgetting the fact that in Kerala
most women face these stares and hear horrible things if she chooses
to wear what she likes or chooses to live the life she wants?

The article then cuts to : “The Popular Front of India (PFI), with its
headquarters in Kozhikode, Kerala, is throwing up a curious test for
India’s secularism.” Why? Here’s the answer: “In classified central
government reports, the PFI is accused of introducing an extremist
pan-Islamist movement to India. In submissions to the High Court, the
Kerala police claim it is linked to the Al Qaeda. Achuthanandan
suggested the PFI has a 20-year plan to Islamicise Kerala. And then,
Keralites were jolted out of their secular somnambulism on the first
Sunday of July when a bunch of PFI cadres chopped the right palm of a
college teacher, TJ Joseph, for setting a question paper that
allegedly insulted Prophet Mohammad.” The accusations of the central
government reports and the apparent police claims of Al Qaueda links
have not been proved, and the CM’s statement was arguably the most
irresponsible statement a chief minister could come up with. So the
author finds himself in need of some supportive data.

“Evidences” follow — in the form of opinions from some of the author’s
caste Hindu and caste Christian friends who feel threatened that their
supremacy is getting questioned. To quote the author himself; “Hindus
and Christians are beginning to feel uncomfortable with this brand of
assertive, militant religion-centred politics.” As if Muslims are not
part of the Kerala society. Sample this: “They are the Indian Taliban,
but they cannot overcome the syncretic culture of Kerala,” says
Raveendran, a building contractor in Thrissur. According to him, the
PFI is a temporary fad funded by petrodollars from Saudi Arabia.
Mathew Nethumpara, a lawyer in Ernakulam, says he is not surprised
because “intolerance has been brewing for several years”.

That these comments override Kerala’s Director General of Police Jacob
Punnose who says “I realise the danger but I don’t want to exaggerate
it” tells us where the author’s fears are founded.

Moreover, in an SMS message to the authors of this piece – B
Unnikrishnan, the filmmaker and critic quoted by the author asserts
that he has been either misunderstood or misconstrued.

Now comes some “historic” revelations. “Confidential missives of the
Union Ministry of Home Affairs and the Kerala Police accessed by
TEHELKA suggest the PFI is the fastest-growing cadre-based Muslim
organisation in India.” Enough reason for fear. Though one wonders
what these confidential missives are. What adds to the fear is PFI’s
Kozhikode Declaration (2009) that the article quotes:

“..The Muslims are the victims of the war on terror. The Indian
government supports the WOT and makes available the county’s machinery
for implementing the plan hatched by the US-Israel axis. It’s in the
wake of this alliance that we witness the increase in bomb blasts in
the country.

The Muslims, on the other hand, have been pushed down by inferiority
complex created by peculiar historic developments. They are under the
wrong impression that any political move of their own is wrong. While
the national secular parties are anxious to use the Muslim votes, they
have been reluctant to take them in as equal partners. They have
failed to secure the rights of the Muslims as citizens and refused to
give even legal protection to them during communal riots which are a
byword for collective anti-Muslim attacks. When the administration
joined hands with anti-Muslim forces it created fear in Muslim minds.
There is strong suspicion that plans are being hatched and implemented
deliberately to break the Muslims economically and socially.

The denial of basic needs and willful negligence of their just demands
have imposed social slavery. No political party can shrug off
responsibility for creating this situation. So it is imperative that
Muslim organisations come to the forefront for the advancement of the
community and to create awareness about their rights.”

Blasphemy! Are we supposed to speak this out? Will it not get the
Muslims to think on these lines, and question the targetting of
Muslims? Will they not react to the picking up of Muslim men in
connection with any blast that happens anywhere in the world? Will
they forget the Mecca Masjid blast where hundreds of Muslim youth were
picked up and harassed? Yes, there is reason to fear. More so when
PFI’s Kerala head says his organisation is expanding because there is
a feeling among Muslims, Dalits and Adivasis that they have been

Then another friend of Shashikumar shares his concerns : “In the past
few years I have seen more women, and more educated women, for
instance my neighbour who has a Phd, take to the hijab.” Too sad. It
is evident that here we are not talking about women who are forced to
wear hijab. As the author quotes: “It is fashionable to wear hijab,”
says Salima, a student of BSc, Applied Statistics, in Kozhikode’s
Ferook College. This fear for any religious symbols that do not belong
to one’s own religion needs treatment.

Another reason for fear is “their” faith in letters. “We see the media
as a vehicle for political empowerment,” the article quotes NP
Chekkutty, Executive Editor of Thejas. Then we see a letter classified
as secret issued by the union home ministry on 25 November 2009 that
states: “Thejas is part of a pan-Islamic publication network catering
to the communal agenda of certain organisations. The publication
invariably takes anti-establishment views on issues like plight of
Muslims, Kashmir, and India’s relations with the US and Israel.
Occasionally, it describes the government’s counter-militancy effort
as state-sponsored terrorism, thereby endorsing the stance of militant
elements. More importantly, contemporary developments and issues are
invariably projected with a communal slant.” Incidentally, this
particular letter has been a subject of speculation and debate in the
Kerala media circles and its existence has been denied by the
Government, and it is rather interesting that Shashikumar is
blissfully ignorant of this fact.

Hasn’t Tehelka taken anti-establishment views and spoken up on
instances where there was denial of justice? Isn’t the government’s
counter-militancy and counter-Maoist efforts widely criticized by many
people publicly? And what is a “communal slant”? As far as the
Malayalam newspapers go, Thejas is one of the very few newspapers
where one hardly gets to see reports attempting to malign any
particular community. This is in a time when Mathrubhumi and Kerala
Kaumudi and the likes have been rolling out Islamophobia in the form
of headlines, reports and even cartoons day by day. Isn’t that

As if to add insult to injury – another piece by Rajesh Ahuja
screaming that Gulf Malayalis are falling prey to LeT compliments
Shashikumar’s thesis. We are left clueless as to the relevance of this
story that has been much written about by veterans like Praveen Swami
in today’s context except to buttress Shashikumar’s fears of Muslims
getting richer and funding their own publications. We really do not
know and do not want to comment on the guilt or non-guilt of Nawaz or
others mentioned in the story – but to calumny a whole community
because of a few alleged miscreants is unfortunate – given that the
Gulf boom has been in many ways responsible for the upward social
mobility of the Muslim community in Kerala.

One has to keep in mind that Kerala has one of the most vibrant,
diverse and political Muslim communities in India – one of the very
few places in India where the community has a strong political
presence. If anything, these kind of baseless reportage fuels
insecurity amongst the community that they are being targeted and
Shahsikumar, himself claims that is one of the tools that PFI is using
in its mobilization!!

With all this and more, both the articles look like a fine example of
the proverbial “seeing yellow”, going by the facts we are presented
with. These facts are supposed to substantiate the fears expressed by
the authors, but it instead tells us there is something terribly wrong
with the way that people like Shashikumar and Rajesh Ahuja (and the
Tehelka editors) think.

Both the articles say they are based on inputs from Shahina K K in
Thiruvananthapuram. Shahina is someone we all know as a journalist of
reason. We wonder if Shahina also shares Shashikumar and Rajesh
Ahuja’s extrapolations and exaggerations.

(This was sent as a rebuttal to Tehelka – which Tehelka has not published)

Cross posted in http://kafila.org/ & http://www.countermedia.in/

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