"..They read like the most extraordinary revelations. Citing the
WikiLeaks cables, major Pakistani newspapers this morning carried
stories that purported to detail eye-popping American assessments of
India's military and civilian leaders...

"Enough evidence of Indian involvement in Waziristan, Balochistan,"
read the front-page story in the News; an almost identical story
appeared in the Urdu-language Jang, Pakistan's bestselling daily.If
accurate, the disclosures would confirm the worst fears of Pakistani
nationalist hawks and threaten relations between Washington and New
Delhi. But they are not accurate.
   An extensive search of the WikiLeaks database by the Guardian by
date, name and keyword failed to locate any of the incendiary
allegations. It suggests this is the first case of WikiLeaks being
exploited for propaganda purposes.."


On Dec 11, 2:21 pm, Venugopalan K M <kmvenuan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2549&Cat=13
> Enough evidence of Indian involvement in Balochistan, Waziristan   Thursday,
> December 09, 2010
> "..The cable urged Washington to secretly divert UN attention towards the
> genocide of innocent civilians in held Kashmir at the hands of Indian Army
> and also suggested that US should avoid holding any joint drill with Indian
> Army until it stops inhuman activities in Kashmir. The cable termed one Lt
> Col AK Mathur as “devil’s advocate” at Srinagar.
> "..Another cable indicated involvement of top Indian Army leadership in
> engaging Hindu extremist militants to carry out certain terror operations to
> keep Indian Muslims on the back foot and to keep pressure on neighbouring
> Pakistan’s Army and intelligence agencies, particularly the Inter-Services
> Intelligence.
> The cable confirmed the active presence of ISI in India but it refused to
> confirm any involvement of ISI in any terror incident across India and did
> confirm intelligence collection by its agents and operatives. Another cable
> confirmed that there was a nexus of top Indian Army officials and extremist
> Hindu outfits. This cable suggested that an Indian police officer, a
> counter-terror specialist with the name of Hemant Karkare, had exposed this
> nexus to some extent when he arrested a serving colonel of Indian army, Lt
> Colonel Purohit, for blazing a Pakistan bound train (Samjhota Express).
> The cable suggested that Hemant Karkare held a secret meeting with a senior
> US diplomat in New Delhi during the national day reception of a friendly
> country and briefed him about the gravity and the growing depth of the nexus
> between top Indian Army leadership and the militant Hindu fanatic groups.
> Karkare sought security for him and his family from the said American
> diplomat as he feared that the army and establishment would eliminate him as
> he intended to move further to expose the network. He had further briefed
> the said US diplomat that a former commander-in-chief of the Central Command
> of the Indian army, Lt Gen PN Hoon, was heading the militancy wing of the
> Hindu extremists and was getting full tactical, logistic and financial
> support from senior army officers. The day, Karkare was eliminated in a
> pre-planned ambush during the Mumbai attacks, a cable sent to the US read
> “we have lost an important link and a vital evidence”.
> Another cable sent to Washington termed Hindutva brotherhood in general and
> Shiv Sena in particular, as ticking time bombs with regard to militancy and
> terrorism. It was suggested that fundraisers like Hindu Students Council of
> America etc should be banned to raise funds as they were generating funds
> for the Hindu militant outfits under the garb of charity. Another file dubs
> Hindutva Brotherhood as a far bigger threat to regional and global peace
> than Taliban, al-Qaeda and LeT and the later three were declared as
> “peanuts” if equated with Hindutva Brotherhood and Sangh Parivaar and
> Washington was urged to take up the issue with New Delhi. Another cable
> expressed grave concern over the Indian government’s ability to handle Naxal
> insurgency movement as 80 per cent of Indian nuclear and missile facilities
> were present in the insurgency hit areas of India while the Indian security
> forces were totally helpless in ensuring the writ of the government in that
> particular area, known as the “Red Corridor of India”..."
> --
> You cannot build anything on the foundations of caste. You cannot build up a
> nation, you cannot build up a morality. Anything that you will build on the
> foundations of caste will crack and will never be a whole.
> http://venukm.blogspot.com
> http://www.shelfari.com/kmvenuannur
> http://kmvenuannur.livejournal.com

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