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From: yogi sikand <ysik...@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 11:17 PM
Subject: [PUCL] Voices Against Hindutva Terror and Targetting of Innocent
To: sal...@yahoogroups.com

*Press Release and Statement from National Meet on ’Tracing Sangh Terror
Links And Stories Of Innocent Muslim Boys’*

Saturday 29 January 2011

National Meet ‘Ham Jo Tareek Rahon Main Marey Gaye’
 Tracing Sangh Terror Links And Stories Of Innocent Muslim Boys’
 New Delhi, January 28, 2011
*-*Investigate Hindutva terror with sincere efforts*

   - *Reinvestigate all terror cases of last two decades*
   - *Release innocent Muslim boys*
   - *Issue an apology to the innocent victims*
   - *Rehabilitate them immediately*

[image: JPG - 56.3 kb]
There is an almost universal sentiment of fear and growing despair among
Muslim citizens of the country. There is mounting disillusionment with all
institutions of governance, and more so with the police and judiciary, as
well as with political parties and to some extent the media. There is on the
one hand the constant dread of being profiled as a terrorist, or of a loved
one being so profiled, with the attendant fears of illegal and prolonged
detention, denial of bail, torture, unfair and biased investigation and
trial, and extra-judicial killings. There is on the other hand the lived
experience of day to day discrimination, in education, employment, housing
and public services, which entrap the community in hopeless conditions of
insecurity, poverty and want.
The consistent stereotypical profiling and insensitivity towards Muslims has
pushed them from being citizens of a democratic country to the position of
second grade citizenship. This kind of unsaid apathy and discrimination in a
system that takes pride in calling itself democracy is highly undesirable.
Despite constitutional and legislative guarantees Muslims in India not only
continue to face discrimination and violation of their rights but
unfortunately the past two decades have seen a steep rise in this
The other important process which is adding to this problem is the role of
the media. The liberal and secular character of the media in India,
developed as a part of the national movement, has been considerably
erodedin recent times. The divisive and sectarian media performs three
defined roles: the slow poisoning of the civil society through the
production of a counter discourse to the secular and plural; the creation of
conflict situations by distorting events, spreading rumors and pandering
falsehood; the denigration of secular , liberal intelligentsia and cultural
activists by attacking their integrity and undermining their professional
A large percentage of the community as a result of insecurity, apathy and
poverty has moved into clusters totally cut off from modernity and exposure
to new ideas. Even when schemes intended to give benefits to the Muslims are
announced, they do not reach them or partially reach them. The efforts
required to find innovative ways to reach out to a besieged community are
totally lacking.
The National Meet ‘Hum Jo Tareek Rahon Main Marey Gaye’ attended by
approximately 300 people from across India including the political leaders
was the culmination of a two major tribunals held in 2008 and 2009 to
document the conditions of Muslims in India as well as years of effort by
independent civil society members, groups and a section of the media to
expose the nefarious designs of the Sangh communal and terror networks.
A combined report *‘What it Means to be a Muslim in India Today’* of the two
tribunals Peoples Tribunal on The Atrocities Committed Against Minority In
The Name Of Fighting Terrorism held at Hyderabad on 22-24 August 2008 and
National Meet on the Status of Muslims in Contemporary India held in Delhi
on 3-5 Oct 2009 was released today by victims- Mohd Raisuddin, Khatoon Bibi,
Qamar Jahan Sheikh, Salmabi, political leaders Digvijay Singh, Ramvilas
Paswan, Sitaram Yechury, senior journalist and editor Siasat -Zahid Ali Khan
and social activist Shabnam Hashmi.
The tribunals were organised by Anhad in collaboration with Siasat,
Hyderabad and Human Rights Law Network.
‘What it means to be a Muslim in India Today’ is a compilation of real life
stories. It brings heart rendering stories of young boys, mothers and
families in front of the nation. Stories of a besieged community: stories of
discrimination, stories of torture & abuse, stories of prejudices & hatred,
stories of apathy, stories of intimidation, stories of state terror &
fabrication of evidence, stories of police atrocities, stories of judicial
apathy & connivance, stories of cold blooded murders, stories of the second
class citizens of the world’s largest democracy.
The following victims , activists, journalists, writers and political
leaders spoke at the National Meet: AB Bardhan, Abdul Rahim, Abu Zafar, Amit
Sengupta, Ashish Khaitan, Bilal Kazi, Chitaranjan Singh, Digvijay Singh,
Farah Naqvi, Harsh Mander, Iftikhar Gilani, Jamila Nishat, Khatoon Bibi,
Manisha Sethi, Mansi Sharma, Mohd Raisuddin, Mufti Ismail, Prashant Bhushan,
Qamar Jahan Sheikh, Ram Vilas Paswan, Rauf Lala, Salma bi, Sanjay Sharma,
Satya Sivaraman, Seema Mustafa, Shabnam Hashmi, Shahiuz Zaman, Sitaram
Yechury, Subhash Gatade, Suresh Khairnar, Tarun Tejpal , Yusuf Shaikh .
The following statement was released at the National Meet.

Civil rights groups have been arguing for long that the investigations into
bomb blasts and terror attacks have degenerated into communal witch-hunts.
Bomb blasts are followed predictably by mass arrests of Muslim youth, raids
in Muslim-dominated localities, detentions, arrests and torture; media
trials, charge sheets and prosecution based on custodial confessions and
little real evidence. It has been assumed, and accepted widely, that no
further proof of guilt need be offered than the fact that the accused
belonged to a particular community. Leads which pointed to the hands of
groups affiliated to Sangh organisations and their complicity in planning
and executing acts of terror were ignored, never seriously pursued. The
agencies, showing their abject bias, instead chose to pursue the beaten
track of investigating Islamic terrorist organizations such—despite clear
evidence pointing in the opposite direction.
The only exception was Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare, who had, as far
back as 2008 conclusively brought into the public domain the nefarious
designs of Abhinav Bharat and its foot soldiers of hate: (Sadhvi)
PragyaSingh of the ABVP, serving army officer Col.
Purohit, and Sunil Joshi, Indresh and Swami Aseemanand belonging to the RSS.
Karkare had communicated to the Hyderabad Police the sensational claim by
Col. Purohit that he had procured RDX from an army inventory when he was
posted in Jammu and Kashmir in 2006. The Hyderabad Police however ignored
his messages, having already detained close to 70 youth belonging to the
Muslim community.
The National Meet demands the following:
*1)* Although the Indian government has belatedly acknowledged the heinous
terrorist acts of the Sangh groups we feel that a genuine probe must also
perforce encompass a thorough enquiry into the terror nexus straddling
Abhinav Bharat, RSS, VHP, BJP and Bajrang Dal leaders together with sections
of the Indian intelligence and security agencies who deliberately subverted
the probes as well as the due process of law. The government should
seriously investigate the openly expressed sympathies towards ‘Hindutva’
ideology of certain retired policemen and bureaucrats as this is an
indication of such sympathy within serving officials of the police, army and
*2)* We further demand that the government immediately release a White Paper
on the exact number of Muslim youths arrested and detained on charges of
carrying out bomb blasts in Mecca Masjid, Malegaon (2006 and 2008), Ajmer
Sharif Dargah and Samjhauta Express. These youths should be released without
any further delay.
*3)* All those who were accused/ arrested/ tortured in above cases must be
provided with compensation and rehabilitation.
*4)* It must also be investigated whether the network of Hindutva terrorists
have been provided not just political but also financial and logistical
support by various governments.
*5)* There must be a thorough investigation into the foreign sources of
funding of the Hindutva organizations.
*6)* All police officers who have engaged in torture, illegal detentions,
forced custodial confessions and fabricated evidence should be suspended,
booked and tried under the law of the land. Any promotions or awards they
may have received for their role in these investigations should be takenback.
*7)* The Andhra Pradesh government should immediately stop contesting the
claims for compensation of those innocent youth incarcerated and tortured in
the aftermath of the Mecca Masjid blasts in the Hyderabad Civil Court.
*8)* The Home Minister and the state governments must issue an apology for
the grievous loss of dignity and livelihood that innocents have suffered on
account of the false charges foisted upon them.
*9)* The National Meet also condemns the edicts issued by various Bar
Associations against lawyers who have courageously taken up the cases
against the terror accused—even in face of threats of physical violence. All
accused have a constitutional right to legal recourse which cannot be
trampled upon by these self-appointed custodians of national security. All
lawyers who have engaged in attacks on their colleagues for carrying out
their professional duties mandated by the Constitution must be tried under
the law of the land.
*10)* Given that the security agencies employed extra judicial confessions
extracted under duress as the basis of their claims and charge sheets for
various blasts cases in which the complicity of the Hindutava groups has
been vindicated, we, The National Meet, underlines that the investigations
into all terror attacks in the past two decades, have been brought under
suspicion. It is clear that the security agencies have acted in a prejudiced
manner. We demand therefore that all blast cases and terror cases of the
past two decades be investigated afresh and objectively by a judicial
commission without negating the possibility of the Hindutva involvement in
such instances.
*11)* The National Meet expresses its grave concern about the role of the
media in demonizing the Muslims. It sincerely appeals to the media to
introspect into its role in reporting on cases as sensitive as bomb blasts
and terrorist activities. We appeal to the media houses to remain true to
journalistic ethics in critically examining the so-called evidence placed by
the investigators. The publication of custodial confessions and dubious
results of suspect pseudo-scientific narco-analysis tests should not be
published by the media.
National Meet organized by ANHAD, Bhartiya Muslim Mahila Andolan, Foundation
for Civil Liberties, Jaipur, INSAF, Jamia Teacher’s Solidarity Association,
Delhi, SANDARBH, Indore, SIASAT, Hyderabad
ANHAD, 23, Canning Lane, New Delhi-110001

Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.

--The Buddha

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