Give Us Our Daily Slingshots
Hindutva bigotry vs Islamic jehad. The history of terrorism in India is
that of competitive communalism.

It’s a measure of the cynical and populist politics of our time that Rahul
Gandhi’s remark about Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) looking
for recruits among riot-affected Muslim youths of Muzaffarnagar should be
met with so much hostility and scorn. Ironica­lly, some of that animosity
has originated from the Muslim community, which was the intended subject of
Rahul’s empathy. Rahul could be criticised on many counts—for framing it
clumsily or inadequately, for not speaking about the all-consuming horrors
of terrorism, for not warning Pakistan about fishing in troubled waters.
The real question, however, is whether Rahul has got the essence of the
history of communal violence wrong.

Excluding Kashmir and the Northeast, which have their own unique reasons
for militancy, the history of terrorism in India is the history of
competitive communalism. The single biggest reason for the radicalisation
of scores of Muslim youths has been the organised mob violence of the Sangh
parivar. Hindu and Muslim fundamentalism have had a long history of
interplay, with violence begetting violence. But two events—the
Ramjanmabhoomi movem­ent, culminating in the demolition of the Babri
Masjid, and the post-Godhra riots in Gujarat—have been watersheds. Fired by
a misplaced idea of retributive justice, some Muslim youths yoked
themselves to the ideology of pan-Islamic jehad.

For mainstream politicians and parties, a thorough-going   engagement with
the genesis of terror does not go beyond platitudes. Therefore, it’s not
surprising that Rahul’s comments have provoked the wrath not only of the
whole political spectrum, but also that of human rights activists and some
prominent Muslim clerics.

A few months ago, when Shakeel Ahmed, a Congress general secretary, quoted
from a National Investigating Agency (NIA) document that the Indian
Mujahideen (IM) was formed in response to the 2002 Gujarat riots, he was
condemned by all quarters. But it will be a pity if the discourse on the
root causes of terror, kickstarted perhaps unwittingly by Rahul, dies down.
Instead of paying lip service to a discussion on the interplay between
Hindutva extremism and homegrown Islamic terrorism, civil society and the
political class must engage with it on a fuller, deeper scale.

For political parties, the engagement with the subject of terror does not
go beyond platitudes. Is it any surprise then that Rahul's comments
elicited such wrath?

Over the past four years, our investigative agencies have arrested more
than 100 IM members. This hasn’t halted its activities; new waves of
recruits have filled the ranks. Recent blasts in Hyderabad, Bodh Gaya and
Patna are evidence of the epidemic dimensions homegrown terror is taking.
It goes without saying that, since most of these cases are sub judice, we
must not reach any conclusions before the trials are completed. But the
fact also remains that terror bombings have become an almost daily
occurrence. Who is plotting these attacks, procuring explosive material and
making and planting the bombs? What are the motives? What are the bombers
trying to achieve? These questions are too relevant to the future of our
democracy to be left to the courts alone to adjudicate on. Society in
general and the political class in particular must confront them and seek
out answers.

Of late, the media has widely covered the arrest and revelations made by IM
operative Mohammed Ahmed Zarar, bet­ter known as Yasin Bhatkal. One telling
detail, though, has not been told: a recurring theme in his interrogation
report run­ning into 160-odd pages (of which the writer has a copy) is the
spectre of communal riots and the excesses of rabid Hindutva organisations.
Sample this, quoted verbatim from the NIA report, with its rather curious
reference to slingshots:

*“In or around beginning of 2007 Udupi, during the communal riots, Muslims
were victimised by different Hindu organisations like Sri Rama Sene,
Bajrang Dal etc who were very active and aggressive during the communal

*“When I returned to India (from Dubai), I decided to protect Muslim
community during the period of riots. I had brought some samples of gulail
(slingshots) from Dubai, I wanted to distribute 1,000 gulails among Muslims
for their protection. To execute this plan, I went to Mumbai and near Arab
Tabela contacted many people for preparing die-cast for gulail. Many of
them demanded exorbitant money. Finally, one Rajubhai agreed to manufacture
1,000 dies for Rs 18,000.*

*“Initially, the die was made of propylene, which was tested but not found
to be robust. Later on, it was prep­ared in nylon, assembled by me and
packed in cartons and handed over to Abu Bawa (his friend) for the
distribution. But it was not distributed properly and my plan of defending
ourselves by gulail failed.”*

Soon, the slingshots were replaced by bombs. If the NIA and other
anti-terror organisations are to be believed, bet­ween 2007-2013, Yasin was
involved in half-a-dozen major terror strikes. The agencies believe the
IM’s most elaborate bombing plots were designed for Surat and Ahmedabad, in
retaliation for the 2002 riots. (Caveat: These cases are all being tried
and it would be wrong to prejudge anyone’s guilt.)

But successive governments, both BJP- and Congress-led, have failed to make
the connection. They have dealt with terrorism only within the narrow
framework of internal security: more laws, more weaponry, more funds and
powers for investigators. The theme song has been to blame Pakistan. No
doubt Pakistan has been the principal sponsor of terror in India, but even
the Samjhauta Express blasts—which eventually turned out to be the
handiwork of Hindutva radicals—was first pinned on Pakistan. The
uncomfortable yet telling phenomenon of so many Muslim youths—from
Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka and other states—willingly
joining the ranks of terror outfits is also hardly ever taken into account.

Between 2004-08, until the IM was busted, every blast was immediately
blamed on the Mus­lims. Dozens of the community’s youths were picked up,
tortured, jailed. Eventually, the investigating agencies themselves
admitted that these boys had no connection with the IM and hadn’t carried
out the blasts. The most guilty of such wrongful arrests and farcical
prosecutions have been the Delhi police special cell, the Hyderabad police
and the Mah­­arashtra anti-terror squad. Innocent Muslims were fra­med,
while Islamic terror remains a hard and present reality.

Yasin Bhatkal and aide in custody, Aug 29, 2013

Terrorism in India has always had links with religious violence. The blasts
and BJP leader Narendra Modi’s ele­c­tion rally in Patna are the latest
evidence of a direct connection between the politics of the Hindutva
brigade and Islamic jehad. The blasts at the rally, allegedly the handiwork
of IM operative Tehsin Akhtar, were designed to kill Modi’s
sympathisers—loosely, pro-saffron Hindus—to ave­nge the killing of Muslims
in Muzaffarnagar. Earlier blasts at the Sankatmochan Mandir in Varanasi,
Zaveri Bazaar and Opera House in Mumbai, Sarojini Nagar Market in Delhi, at
temples in Jaipur,  at Lumbini Park and Dilsukhnagar in Hyderabad and on
the streets of Ahmedabad were sim­ilar in their loose targeting of
‘Hindus’. On the other hand, bombs planted on Samjhauta Express, near Mecca
Masjid in Hyderabad, and outside mosques in Parbhani and Mal­egaon were
meant to kill Muslims. *This tit-for-tat terrorism is nothing but an
extension of communal violence*.

A few minutes before the synchronised bombs went off at courts in three
major cities of Uttar Pradesh in December 2007, the IM e-mailed media
groups. (Over the next few years, coinciding with every major strike, it
has sent out such e-mails.) In the three-page missive, one-and-a-half pages
were devoted to the causes of jehad in India. Here’s a part of it, quoted

*“I would like to take (sic) your attention towards 1992 massacre, the year
when I realised the fact regarding their promises. They demolished our
Babri masjid and killed our brothers, children and raped our sisters....
Indian police which always play key role in such massacre has provided arms
and full protection to the...Shiv Sena, RSS, VHP etc. This injustice does
not stop here; the police officers who were pointed out by the Shri Krishna
Commission for their negative role in 1992 massacre were given
promotions.... Those who killed (revenge) only 257 people are awarded with
capital and life imprisonment punishment. But the most recent massacre
which shaken not only India but the whole world was Gujarat Riot, which
forced us to take strong stand against this injustice. Such injustice
reveals the pathetic condition of Muslims in India...they can kill our
brothers, sisters, children and outrage dignity of our sisters at any place
and at any time and we can’t resist them.”*

The record of investigative agencies shows that, between 2004-08, a handful
of Islamic radicals and a small number of Hindutva radicals were engaged in
tit-for-tat terrorism. The proponents of one form of extremism rationalised
their acts of violence as a just response to the violence committed by the
other side. Muslim terrorists carried out the August 2007 Hyderabad blasts
because they believed the Mecca Masjid blast was carried out by Hindu
extremists (which subsequent NIA and CBI investigations found to be true)
and Hindus needed to be punished. As per NIA chargesheets and other
records, the Malegaon blast suspects in turn claim that they were deeply
disturbed by Islamic terrorism, both in Kashmir and other parts of India,
and thus had decided to retaliate. Here is what Swami Aseemanand told a
Delhi magistrate, confessing to involvement in the larger conspiracy to
carry out terror strikes against Muslims:

*“The Muslim terrorists started attacking Hindu temples in 2002. This
caused great concern and anger in me. I used to share my concerns about the
growing menace of Islamic terrorism with Bharat Riteshwar of Valsad. In
March 2006, Pragya Thakur, Sunil Joshi, Bharat Riteshwar and I decided to
give a befitting reply to the Sankatmochan blasts. Humne tay kiya ki bomb
ka jawab bomb se denge.”*

Twenty years before Swami Aseem­a­n­and’s arrest, Dr Mohammed Jalees Ansari
had narrated to the CBI a strikingly similar story of communal hatred, only
it was directed against Hindus. He spoke of how the raw impulse to meet
evil with evil, avenge violence with violence, set him on the path of
terror. By the time he was arrested, he had planned and executed as many as
53 terror strikes across Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Andhra
Pradesh. Convicted in multiple cases, he’s now serving simultaneous
sentences  in Jaipur Central Jail. On his arrest in 1993, when he was 41,
he had told CBI sleuths his story:

*“I completed my MBBS from Lokmanya Tilak Medical Collage, Sion, Bombay, in
1981. When I was doing internship in the same college I read in the
newspapers about the communal riots in Assam (1982), Meerut (1982/83),
Bhiwandi (1984) etc. It had great impact upon my life as I felt that the
Muslims had suffered a lot on account of biased attitude of the police and
the government alike. I had also heard about indiscriminating firing by the
police on the Muslims in the Moradabad. In my daily life
in Bombay, I had seen that the Shiv Sena members used to harass Muslims and
spread a feeling of hatred towards the Muslims. I was very pained to see
attitude of the government, particularly the police, which used to be very
lenient towards the miscreants. The inflammatory speeches given by Bal
Thackeray of Shiv Sena made me feel that Muslims were being reduced to
second grade citizens in Bombay. Advani’s Rath Yatra and VHP’s karseva
further made me realise that the identity of the Muslims is in danger and I
must act quickly. I felt Muslims in this country were no more safe and an
underground force should be created to counter the Shiv Sena and the BJP
and pressurise the government to check the aggressive activities of the
Shiv Sainiks and protect the Muslims.”*

Is any more proof needed of the connections I speak of?

>From the mid-1980s on, the Ram­janmabhoomi movement has threatened to tear
the social fabric asunder. The rath yatra left in its wake a trail of
communal riots and bloodshed. None of the principal actors behind the
1992-93 Bombay riots were bro­ught to justice. The CBI cases in the Babri
Masjid demo­lition have been stuck in the quicksand of legal stratagems and
dec­e­ption over 20 years now. The ’02 Gujarat riots and the unpreced­ented
subversion of criminal jus­tice in its aftermath remain a festering sore,
and it was in the wake of this that the IM managed to find recruits.

The evidence is clear. If we allow the nation’s founding values—fair play
and equal justice, commitment to secularism and protection of the
minorities—to recede, ugly passions will prevail.

Political commentators believe that Rahul has scored self-goals by his
recent utterances. However, aren’t the missteps of a politician, provided
they are well-intentioned and aiming to engage with issues that will
eventually make or break the country, preferable over a contrived yearning
for infallibility? Isn’t it better to listen again to a politician who
believes in counselling the vulnerable victims of the minority community
or, for that matter, impressionable members from the majority being wooed
by radical groups—as Rahul did in his speech? Isn’t it better than an
approach that believes in locking them up in jail on first suspicion—as
Modi demanded when he asked Rahul to reveal the names of the Muslim youth
being contacted by the ISI?

*(The author is founder of the website

Peace Is Doable

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