Shri Arvind Kejriwal
Chief Minister
Date: January 21, 2014


Dear Shri Arvind Kejriwal
It is with extreme dismay that we write to you regarding the horrific act
of harassment and racial profiling of Ugandan and Nigerian women by a group
led by Delhi Law Minister Shri Somnath Bharti, comprising amongst others
members of Aam Admi Party. Such a targeting goes against the sense of
security and human rights of all women in general, and of single and
working women in particular. Television footage of the incident including
Shri Somnath Bharti’s own detailed statements, CCTV footage from AIIMS and
the complaints by the women themselves, clearly indicate that Shri Somnath
Bharti endangered the women and instigated the crowd to violate their human
rights, by branding them as prostitutes and asking the crowd to catch them.

We as women’s organizations who have worked amongst women for several
decades in Delhi and around, have fought against the extremely insensitive
anti-women behaviour of Delhi Police in cases related to crimes against
women. Examples of police hostility against women abound—be it cases of
“honour” crime where the police has handed over young couples to be killed
by their families, or cases of rape and dowry where the survivors are
victimized and harassed while the perpetrators roam scot-free. It is
increasingly becoming a very unsafe city for women and girls.

We agree that it is essential to put in place measures to discipline and
hold Delhi police accountable for their lapses and short comings – the
latest instances including the Danish woman’s rape and the dowry murder of
Neha Yadav. We once again reiterate our long standing demand that the
central government take urgent necessary steps towards bringing Delhi
police under the Delhi government.

We also know how hard it is to ensure that Police act in accordance with
law and Constitutional values rather than public or political sentiment,
especially in matters involving women and vulnerable social groups. In this
incident, the Malviya Nagar SHO became a rare exception who acted to
protect the African women, whose safety was criminally compromised.’

It is therefore a great disservice to women’s rights to penalise Police
officers who refuse to act in accordance with inflamed prejudices of the
public or political leaders. And it is even more dangerous to allow private
individuals or even ministers to take the law into their own hands and
subject already vulnerable sections like women to further harassment. This
was also a clear case of racial profiling against foreign citizens. We are
therefore shocked to see you and other leaders of your party defend the
actions of Shri Somnath Bharti.

We urge you to immediately condemn the role of and take appropriate action
against Shri Somnath Bharti and registration of cases against those
responsible under relevant sections of the IPC and CrPC. We also demand
that you drop the insistence on suspending the Malviya Nagar SHO.

We would also like you to meet our delegation at your convenience as we
have some concrete suggestions on Police reforms.

Jagmati Sangwan, All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA)
Annie Raja, National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW)
Kavita Krishnan, All India Progressive Women’s Association (AIPWA)
Shabnam Hashmi, Act Now For Harmony and Democracy (ANHAD)
Indu Agnihotri, Centre for Women’s Development Student (CWDS)
Kavita Shrivastava, People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL)
Sunita Dhar, Jagori
Jyotsana Chatterjee, Joint Women’s Programme (JWP)
Leila Passah, Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA)
Anita Bharti , Republican Thought Action Group

All India Democratic Women's Association (AIDWA)
No. 2253- E,
Shadi Khampur,
New Ranjit Nagar,
New Delhi- 110008
Ph: 011-25700476, 25709565

Peace Is Doable

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