That the US had actively promoted the AQ and its chieftain Osama bin
Laden to fight Soviet occupation (?) of Afghanistan is also just no
news as much as the fact that Osama was killed by the US armed forces
(Navy SEALs) by carrying out a surprise, and obviously illegal, air
raid deep within Pakistani territory where he was living incognito,
presumably under the protection of an important segment of the
Pakistani state, being labelled as the mastermind of the 9/11.

Here is a fairly detailed, plausible, account of bin Laden:


On 16/09/2014, Jayaprakash Nd <> wrote:
> Kindly listen to the video properly. The following is what Hillary Clinton
> states in no uncertain terms:
> *"Now you look back; the people we are fighting today we were supporting in
> the fight against the Soviets."*
> There is more from Hillary Clinton:
> *"Let us remember here, the people we are fighting today we funded twenty
> years ago.... You know we said, it is a pretty good idea.... Let us deal
> with the ISI and the Pakistan military and let us go and recruit
> these Mujaheddin and that's great  and let us get some to come from Saudi
> Arabia and other places importing their Wahhabi brand of Islam so that we
> can go and beat the Soviet Union.... But let us be careful about what we
> sow because we will harvest...." *
> On 16 September 2014 09:26, raja swamy <> wrote:
>> Clinton refers to the Mujahideen who were fighting the Soviet occupation.
>> She does *not* refer to Al Qaida at all. Evidence of US involvement wrt
>> AQ,
>> ISIS, various fanatical, fascistic formations ad nauseum across the
>> planet
>> is not lacking; however this video is hardly the explosive evidence the
>> opening caption makes it out to be.
>> raja..
>> On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 9:29 PM, Jayaprakash Nd <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Sukla/Feroze,
>>> The following video that Ram Puniyani had posted on 05 Sept. 2014 should
>>> clear all confusion regarding the problem under discussion.
>>> JP
>>> ++++++++++++++++
>>> *"While one has burnt midnight oil to unravel the trajectory of US
>>> policy
>>> through books with solid scholarship, the job of understanding this has
>>> become easy with a small video clip of Hillary Clinton. Very smartly and
>>> briskly she tells us that it was US which created Al Qaeda by
>>> indoctrinating the Muslim youth.
>>> (
>>> <>). A peep into the history
>>> of
>>> the region tells us that this indoctrination was done by using the
>>> distorted version of Islam, Wahabbism to be more precise."*
>>> *ISIS, Oil Politics and Peaking of Islamophobia *
>>> *Ram Puniyani*
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>> --
>> Visiting Assistant Professor
>> Department of Anthropology
>> University of Arkansas
>> Fayetteville, AR 72701
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Peace Is Doable

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