Dear All,

5 women from Bhopal have been on a water-less hunger strike demanding
justice for the crimes committed by Union Carbide 30 years ago that have
left more than 22,000 dead and more than 100,000 with lifetimes of
sickness. Dow Chemical, the present owner of Union Carbide refuses to
respect the courts of law, clean-up the toxic site in Bhopal and continues
to make profits with Indian and American friends in the corporate sector
and the government.

In 30 years, India has seen 9 Prime Ministers and none of them have shown
any indication that they care about Bhopal. The situation in Jantar Mantar
is getting worse with no response from the PMO whatsoever. Please take a
moment to click this link and send a fax to the PMO.

Please do it without delay, share the information and spread the word. We
owe it to Bhopal folks.


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