
Donald Trump calls Kim Jong-un 'a sick puppy' during tax policy speech –

[Play Video 0:22]

Donald Trump couldn't resist taking a jab at the North Korean leader during
an event in St Charles, Missouri, to promote his tax cut for wealthy
Americans. After referring to the Republican tax plan as 'rocket fuel' for
the economy, the US president appeared to refer to Kim – whom Trump has
recently called 'rocket man' – as 'a sick puppy', drawing hoots from the


Sioux Leader To Trump: 'Leave The Office You Bought And Take Your Swamp
Things With You'

Harold Frazier said Trump should also apologize to the nation for his
Pocahontas remarks.
 30/11/2017 12:05 AM IST

Hayley Miller Reporter, HuffPost


A Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe leader issued a damning response Wednesday to
President Donald Trump’s “Pocahontas” slur earlier this week during an
event meant to honor Navajo Code Talkers.

Harold Frazier, chairman of the South Dakota-based tribe, said he was
“deeply ashamed” of Trump’s “disgusting” treatment of the World War II
veterans and appeared to suggest that the president should resign.

“The President of the United States had an opportunity to honor veterans
and bridge gaps in the relationship Tribes have with the Federal
government,” Frazier said in a statement sent to HuffPost. “Instead, he
chose to disgrace himself, his position and the nation he represents.”

Frazier continued, “The President of the United States wanted to utilize an
opportunity to honor native warriors who defended this land to make a
political attack. I have one for him, leave the office you bought and take
your swamp things with you.”

For many Native Americans, Trump’s racist remark was a reminder of the
trauma they have faced since European colonization began in the 1600s.

“We have been forced to learn the way of the American life,” Frazier said.
“We have learned American religions, language, economy, politics and
society. ... The President’s comments are another reminder that we are not
allowed to participate.”

Frazier also pointed out that sexual assault and abuse, much like the
violence that the real Pocahontas endured, affect Native American women at
staggering rates.

“What happened to Pocahontas is still happening today to our women,”
Frazier said. “Native American women continue to be victims of rape and
exploitation by white men. The President of the United States is practicing
that by exploiting native women as an insult for political machismo.”

Trump hasn’t addressed the outpouring of condemnation he’s received from
Native American leaders and U.S. lawmakers since Monday.

Read Frazier’s full statement below:

I am deeply ashamed of the way the President of the United States has
treated the veterans during an honoring ceremony at the White House.
Veterans are brave heroes who sacrificed everything, despite the historical
trauma to tribal nations, when asked to defend the United States.
Absolutely nothing should have taken away from honoring the veterans for
their contributions to the war that ensured the American way of life.

The President of the United States had an opportunity to honor veterans and
bridge gaps in the relationship Tribes have with the Federal government.
Instead, he chose to disgrace himself, his position and the nation he
represents. It has been more than 200 years of living together yet the
President of the United States knows nothing about us. We have been forced
to learn the way of the American life. We have learned American religions,
language, economy, politics and society. We all share in following the
American dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A dream that
all of those things we learn about, try to keep us from achieving. The
President’s comments are another reminder that we are not allowed to

Pocahontas was only a child when she became a victim of rape, kidnapping,
imprisonment, and her forced conversion to Christianity. What happened to
Pocahontas is still happening today to our women. Native American women
continue to be victims of rape and exploitation by white men. The President
of the United States is practicing that by exploiting native women as an
insult for political machismo. Pocahontas is beloved by native people and
is recognized as a victim of European colonialism. To use her name in that
manner is disgusting and reflective of the President of the United States’

This President of the United States does not deserve to represent the
American people if he cannot acknowledge the contributions of the people
who make America great. The President of the United States has shown no
responsibility when caring for American resources or the people. An apology
is in order for the warriors that were present, to the native nations and
the United States for his behavior. The President of the United States
wanted to utilize an opportunity to honor native warriors who defended this
land to make a political attack. I have one for him, leave the office you
bought and take your swamp things with you.

[One year back.]


Frightened by Donald Trump? You don’t know the half of it

George Monbiot

Many of his staffers are from an opaque corporate misinformation network.
We must understand this if we are to have any hope of fighting back against

Former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, like other members of Trump’s
team, came from a group called Americans for Prosperity. Photograph: UPI /
Barcroft Images

Wednesday 30 November 2016 06.00 GMT Last modified on Tuesday 28 November
2017 10.29 GMT

Yes, Donald Trump’s politics are incoherent. But those who surround him
know just what they want, and his lack of clarity enhances their power. To
understand what is coming, we need to understand who they are. I know all
too well, because I have spent the past 15 years fighting them.

Over this time, I have watched as tobacco, coal, oil, chemicals and biotech
companies have poured billions of dollars into an international
misinformation machine composed of thinktanks, bloggers and fake citizens’
groups. Its purpose is to portray the interests of billionaires as the
interests of the common people, to wage war against trade unions and beat
down attempts to regulate business and tax the very rich. Now the people
who helped run this machine are shaping the government.

 Trump’s climate denial is just one of the forces that point towards war
George Monbiot
George Monbiot  Read more

I first encountered the machine when writing about climate change. The fury
and loathing directed at climate scientists and campaigners seemed
incomprehensible until I realised they were fake: the hatred had been paid
for. The bloggers and institutes whipping up this anger were funded by oil
and coal companies.

Among those I clashed with was Myron Ebell of the Competitive Enterprise
Institute (CEI). The CEI calls itself a thinktank, but looks to me like a
corporate lobbying group. It is not transparent about its funding, but we
now know it has received $2m from ExxonMobil, more than $4m from a group
called the Donors Trust (which represents various corporations and
billionaires), $800,000 from groups set up by the tycoons Charles and David
Koch, and substantial sums from coal, tobacco and pharmaceutical companies.

For years, Ebell and the CEI have attacked efforts to limit climate change,
through lobbying, lawsuits and campaigns. An advertisement released by the
institute had the punchline “Carbon dioxide: they call it pollution. We
call it life.”

It has sought to eliminate funding for environmental education, lobbied
against the Endangered Species Act, harried climate scientists and
campaigned in favour of mountaintop removal by coal companies. In 2004,
Ebell sent a memo to one of George W Bush’s staffers calling for the head
of the Environmental Protection Agency to be sacked. Where is Ebell now? Oh
– leading Trump’s transition team for the Environmental Protection Agency.

Charles and David Koch – who for years have funded extreme pro-corporate
politics – might not have been enthusiasts for Trump’s candidacy, but their
people were all over his campaign. Until June, Trump’s campaign manager was
Corey Lewandowski, who like other members of Trump’s team came from a group
called Americans for Prosperity (AFP).

This purports to be a grassroots campaign, but it was founded and funded by
the Koch brothers. It set up the first Tea Party Facebook page and
organised the first Tea Party events. With a budget of hundreds of millions
of dollars, AFP has campaigned ferociously on issues that coincide with the
Koch brothers’ commercial interests in oil, gas, minerals, timber and

In Michigan, it helped force through the “right to work bill”, in pursuit
of what AFP’s local director called “taking the unions out at the knees”.
It has campaigned nationwide against action on climate change. It has
poured hundreds of millions of dollars into unseating the politicians who
won’t do its bidding and replacing them with those who will.

I could fill this newspaper with the names of Trump staffers who have
emerged from such groups: people such as Doug Domenech, from the Texas
Public Policy Foundation, funded among others by the Koch brothers, Exxon
and the Donors Trust; Barry Bennett, whose Alliance for America’s Future
(now called One Nation) refused to disclose its donors when challenged; and
Thomas Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, funded by Exxon and
others. This is to say nothing of Trump’s own crashing conflicts of
interest. Trump promised to “drain the swamp” of the lobbyists and
corporate stooges working in Washington. But it looks as if the only swamps
he’ll drain will be real ones, as his team launches its war on the natural

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 How far is too far for Donald Trump?

Understandably, there has been plenty of coverage of the racists and white
supremacists empowered by Trump’s victory. But, gruesome as they are,
they’re peripheral to the policies his team will develop. It’s almost
comforting, though, to focus on them, for at least we know who they are and
what they stand for. By contrast, to penetrate the corporate misinformation
machine is to enter a world of mirrors. Spend too long trying to understand
it, and the hyporeality vortex will inflict serious damage on your state of

Don’t imagine that other parts of the world are immune. Corporate-funded
thinktanks and fake grassroots groups are now everywhere. The fake news we
should be worried about is not stories invented by Macedonian teenagers
about Hillary Clinton selling arms to Islamic State, but the constant feed
of confected scares about unions, tax and regulation drummed up by groups
that won’t reveal their interests.

The less transparent they are, the more airtime they receive. The
organisation Transparify runs an annual survey of thinktanks. This year’s
survey reveals that in the UK only four thinktanks – the Adam Smith
Institute, Centre for Policy Studies, Institute of Economic Affairs and
Policy Exchange – “still consider it acceptable to take money from hidden
hands behind closed doors”. And these are the ones that are all over the

When the Institute of Economic Affairs, as it so often does, appears on the
BBC to argue against regulating tobacco, shouldn’t we be told that it has
been funded by tobacco companies since 1963? There’s a similar pattern in
the US: the most vocal groups tend to be the most opaque.

As usual, the left and centre (myself included) are beating ourselves up
about where we went wrong. There are plenty of answers, but one of them is
that we have simply been outspent. Not by a little, but by orders of
magnitude. A few billion dollars spent on persuasion buys you all the
politics you want. Genuine campaigners, working in their free time, simply
cannot match a professional network staffed by thousands of well-paid,
unscrupulous people.

You cannot confront a power until you know what it is. Our first task in
this struggle is to understand what we face. Only then can we work out what
to do.

• Twitter: @GeorgeMonbiot. A fully linked version of this column will be
published at monbiot.com

Peace Is Doable

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