[First farm loan waivers in three states, backed up with the commitment for
the whole country.
Now, promise of basic income for the poor.

《The Congress, earlier accused of simply being opposed to Narendra Modi
with no vision of its own, has now taken the lead in declaring its vision
for how India’s welfare system would change if it came to power. Its
10-year period at the head of an alliance between 2004 and 2014 was also
built on the back of an expanding welfare state, with schemes like the
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and the Right to
Food Act. Now it is promising both a national farm loan waiver and a
minimum income guarantee – which some have already dubbed “NEWREGA” –
though the latter has yet to be properly explained.》]


‘NewREGA’? What we know so far about Rahul Gandhi’s Minimum Income
Guarantee promise
The Congress is already calling it a gamechanger, though details are yet to
come. How will Narendra Modi respond?

‘NewREGA’? What we know so far about Rahul Gandhi’s Minimum Income
Guarantee promise
Ashok Gehlot, Rahul Gandhi and Sachin Pilot at the rally in Jaipur. |

8 hours ago

Rohan Venkataramakrishnan

Days ahead of what was expected to be an interim budget with some major
pre-election announcements from the government, Congress President Rahul
Gandhi struck first, saying on Monday that his party is “committed to a
Minimum Income Guarantee for every poor person”. This, along with a promise
of a national farm loan waiver, gives the Congress a clear welfarist image
going into an election that will likely revolve around Prime Minister
Narendra Modi’s economic performance. The ball is now in the government’s

We cannot build a new India while millions of our brothers & sisters suffer
the scourge of poverty.

If voted to power in 2019, the Congress is committed to a Minimum Income
Guarantee for every poor person, to help eradicate poverty & hunger.

This is our vision & our promise.

— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) January 28, 2019

It is yet unclear exactly what the Congress has in mind. The party has said
that its manifesto will include full details about exactly how this income
guarantee scheme will work and how the government would be expected to pay
for it. But here is what we know so far:

This is not Universal Basic Income
A popular approach in development circles over the last few years has been
the idea of a Universal Basic Income, which would entail giving every
citizen a periodic payment from the government regardless of how rich or
poor they are. The idea was most notably put forward in former Chief
Economic Advisor Arvind Subramanian’s Economic Survey of 2016-’17. There
were some suggestions at the time that the government would at least
consider some version of it, but that did not happen. Read an explainer of
Subramanian’s proposal here, and how Universal Basic Income would actually
Instead, Gandhi has promised a Minimum Income Guarantee for the poor, which
by definition means it will be some form of periodic payment but not
The principle of Universal Basic Income (UBI) has been discussed
extensively in the last two years. The time has come to adapt the principle
to our situation and our needs and implement the same for the poor. We will
explain our plan in the Congress Manifesto.

— P. Chidambaram (@PChidambaram_IN) January 28, 2019

This means it will have to be targeted.
One of the chief advantages of the Universal Basic Income is that the
government does not have to go through the often arduous process of
identifying who will be a beneficiary of the scheme. Instead, UBI is built
on the idea that everyone is included, with the presumption that richer
people might be convinced to exclude themselves. But a Minimum Income
Guarantee for poor households would mean the Congress having to define who
exactly is poor. That is a fraught question in India, as the debate over
the poverty line during the Congress years proved. And once poverty is
defined, the government will have to figure out how to identify households
that fit into the category, and how to ensure that no one is excluded, an
immensely complicated task.
The socio economic census can help in identifying beneficiaries to be
targeted. The Niti Aayog had also recommended its use for identifying
beneficiaries to be targeted for various programmes/schemes of the Modi
government. https://t.co/pgkTa4nfWP

— Puja Mehra (@pujamehra) January 28, 2019

Will it replace subsidies or supplement them?
This is the fundamental question when it comes to income guarantee schemes,
or Universal Basic Income. There are two broad ways to pay for either of
these schemes. The government could raise taxes, but economists believe
that would simply lead to inflation – reducing the value of the actual
income paid out to the beneficiaries. Or it could pay for the income by
taking money out of its current subsidy budget, which would mean ending
other targeted welfare schemes like the public distribution system for

Many believe the latter approach is likely for India. Economists on the
Right believe it would end leakage and inefficiencies in the welfare state
as it currently exists, but that comes with many other pitfalls. If the
government withdraws from delivering welfare services like food, healthcare
or guaranteed employment, what will the income itself achieve? There are
concerns that a poor country like India would not be able to give out much
in the way of income, while also gutting its existing welfare systems to be
able to pay for the scheme.

An ideal version of an income scheme would be as a supplement to the
existing welfare net, but the fiscal space for that may not exist. There
have been some experiments at very local levels, where targeting may have
been easier, but expanding this across the country is another matter. Some
have suggested that simply universalising current benefits, like pensions
and maternity entitlements would do the job without having to take an axe
to the welfare state.
We calculated that funds for this virtually minimum income guarantee scheme
could be raised by removing corporate exemptions, removing some existing
wasteful subsidies, imposing a wealth tax of 1-2% on the wealthy, and 20%
inheritance tax and gift tax.Would create a welfare State

— Prashant Bhushan (@pbhushan1) January 29, 2019

How will the government respond
The Congress, earlier accused of simply being opposed to Narendra Modi with
no vision of its own, has now taken the lead in declaring its vision for
how India’s welfare system would change if it came to power. Its 10-year
period at the head of an alliance between 2004 and 2014 was also built on
the back of an expanding welfare state, with schemes like the Mahatma
Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and the Right to Food
Act. Now it is promising both a national farm loan waiver and a minimum
income guarantee – which some have already dubbed “NEWREGA” – though the
latter has yet to be properly explained.

Starting Thursday, the government is unlikely to unveil its own vision for
India’s future. On Thursday, the President will address Parliament, in a
speech which is likely to cover all the Modi government believes it has
achieved so far. Then on Friday, the interim Finance Minister Piyush Goyal
will deliver the Budget speech. Though convention suggests Budgets right
before elections should not include major announcements, it may yet be an
opportunity for the government to make grand promises about what it would
do if it came back to power.

The government did not announce a Universal Basic Income, despite
Subramanian’s pitch for it two years ago. On Monday, in a piece jointly
written with two other economists, Subramanian once again made the case for
a Quasi Universal Basic Income scheme that would cover all rural households
and would be financed by eliminating certain subsidies. Whether this will
be picked up by the government remains to be seen. Modi also began 2019
making the argument that farm loan waivers are bad for credit culture. His
government’s first big gambit was the 10% quota for the upper-caste poor,
but more is expected to help shore up the rural economy. How its ideas will
stand up against the Congress’ grand promises may help define the policy
element of the upcoming election campaign.
This is 'NEWREGA'

Universal Basic Income is an idea whose time has
come.#CongressForMinimumIncomeGuarantee will help us move from a government
that focuses on Ambani to one that works for the poor. #VisionOfRG

— Srivatsa (@srivatsayb) January 28, 2019

Peace Is Doable

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