[The write-up below is a detailed exposition of the utter hollowness of the
government claims as regards the justifications for the "deal" in terms of
the file notings of the "domain experts" and other relevant documents.

《These findings (by the three domain experts on the seven-member Indian
Negotiating Team) are directly contrary to the two central claims made by
the Indian government of a cheaper deal and faster delivery of fighter
aircraft, claims that have been affirmed before the Supreme Court of India
in official submissions.
Further, the three officials registered serious concern over the Indian
government’s acceptance of a ‘Letter of Comfort’ in lieu of a sovereign or
government guarantee or bank guarantees, legal issues relating to the IGA,
offset issues, and Dassault Aviation’s restrictive trade practices.》

In addition, one has got to keep in mind:

<<***While, by now, a number of glaring irregularities, including abrupt
spike in price, despite deletion of the provision for technology transfer,
and undue and illegitimate interference by the PMO, in vital stages, have
come to light and, perhaps, more are in the pipeline, the most important
issue, as it appears, remains that the requirement of 126 (14 squadrons) of
fighter jets, worked out via the due and arduous process was drastically
slashed to only 36 (merely 4 squadrons) by Modi, while announcing the
"deal" on the soil of Paris, with Anil Ambani in tow, on April 10 2015,
without any whatever input from the user department, let alone the
mandatory CCS approval, with even [the Foreign Secretary (ref.: <
and] the Defence Minister completely in the dark (ref.: <
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2udl1EHdZ2s>, 0:18 - 0:26 mins.).***>>

(Ref.: 'Rafale Scam in Slow Explosion ...' at <

One's advised to visit the original site.]


Rafale deal not on ‘better terms’ than UPA-era offer

N. Ram

FEBRUARY 13, 2019 05:07 IST
UPDATED: FEBRUARY 13, 2019 08:56 IST

Rafale deal

This is among the key findings of the three domain experts on the Indian
Negotiating Team
Three senior Defence Ministry officials who were the domain experts on the
seven-member Indian Negotiating Team (INT) came to a well-substantiated and
clear conclusion that the Narendra Modi government’s new Rafale deal for 36
flyaway aircraft was not on “better terms” than the offer made by Dassault
Aviation during the procurement process for 126 aircraft under the United
Progressive Alliance government. They also concluded that the delivery
schedule of even the first 18 of the 36 flyaway Rafale aircraft in the new
deal was slower than the one offered for the 18 flyaway aircraft in the
original procurement process.

Contrary to claims
These findings are directly contrary to the two central claims made by the
Indian government of a cheaper deal and faster delivery of fighter
aircraft, claims that have been affirmed before the Supreme Court of India
in official submissions.

Further, the three officials registered serious concern over the Indian
government’s acceptance of a ‘Letter of Comfort’ in lieu of a sovereign or
government guarantee or bank guarantees, legal issues relating to the IGA,
offset issues, and Dassault Aviation’s restrictive trade practices.

The three domain experts on the INT were M. P. Singh, Adviser (Cost), a
Joint Secretary-level officer from the Indian Cost Accounts Service; A.R.
Sule, Financial Manager (Air); and Rajeev Verma, Joint Secretary &
Acquisitions Manager (Air). They recorded their views in a strong note of
dissent, dated June 1, 2016, submitted at the end of the negotiations to
the Deputy Chief of Air Staff (DCAS) in his capacity as chairman of the
negotiating team.

Click here to see all eight pages of the note of dissent by domain experts
in the INT

 The INT was for a firm and fixed benchmark price, but the French side
converted the initial commerical offer of a fixed price into one based on
an escalation formula.
The INT was for a firm and fixed benchmark price, but the French side
converted the initial commerical offer of a fixed price into one based on
an escalation formula.

Their eight-page note expressing deep concern and unease over the terms of
the new deal is an important document and is reproduced here. It was
written more than a month after the INT’s negotiations with the French side
were completed and three months before the inter-governmental agreement was
signed, on September 23, 2016. (As for the competence of the three
officials in relation to the others on the INT to deal with the issues that
figured in the negotiations, see this article in ‘The Wire’ by Sudhansu
Mohanty, former Controller General of Defence Accounts who was Financial
Adviser, Defence Services at the time)

Commenting on the final €7.87 billion cost of the new Rafale deal, the
domain experts stated that “the reasonability of price offered by the
French Government is not established. Even the final price offered by the
French Government cannot be considered as ‘better terms’ compared to the
MMRCA [medium multi-role combat aircraft] offer and therefore not meeting
the requirement of the Joint Statement.”

Out of sync
A dissent note by members of the Indian Negotiating Team found that the
French side's offer did not conform to the promise of better terms
contained in the joint statement issued by PM Narendra Modi and
ex-President Francois Hollande on April 10, 2015. An extract from the joint
14. Government of India conveyed to the Government of France that in view
of the critical operational necessity for Multirole Combat Aircraft for
Indian Air Force, Government of India would like to acquire [36] Rafale
jets in fly-away condition as quickly as possible. The two leaders agreed
to conclude an Inter-Governmental Agreement for supply of the aircraft on
terms that would be better than conveyed by Dassault Aviation as part of a
separate process underway.
Terms and time frame
This was a reference to the Indo-French Joint Statement issued on April 10,
2015 during Mr. Modi’s visit to France. It promised that the new deal to
acquire 36 Rafale jets in flyaway condition through an inter-governmental
agreement would be on “terms that would be better than conveyed by Dassault
Aviation as part of a separate process under way” and that the delivery
would be in “a time frame that would be compatible with the operational
requirement of the IAF.”

The joint statement also confirmed that the aircraft and associated systems
would be delivered in “the same configuration as had been tested and
approved by IAF, and with a longer maintenance responsibility by France.”

The concerns and differences registered by the three senior Defence
Ministry officials in the seven-member negotiating team bring under a cloud
the two major defences of the new Rafale deal by the National Democratic
Alliance government, namely, that this deal was on better terms and with a
faster delivery schedule than the deal under negotiation under the UPA
government and also under the NDA government until April 10, 2016. These
were also the essential arguments presented by the government in the
Supreme Court of India. Whether this note by the three domain experts on
the INT was part of the material submitted in a sealed cover to the court
is not known, but it could be of relevance to the review petition on the
judgment which is pending in the court.

 The NDA government decided to buy 36 Rafale fighter jets from Dasault
Aviation in flyaway condition.
Modi’s decision to buy 36 Rafales shot the price of each jet up by 41%

The government informed the Supreme Court of India in documents submitted
in October 2018 that Mr. Modi made the announcement on the new deal in
Paris because of an urgent need to arrest the decline in the number of
fighter squadrons with the IAF. However, the three Defence Ministry
officials had noted that “in the MMRCA process, the first 18 flyaway
aircraft were delivered between T0+36 months to T0+48 months whereas in the
delivery schedule offered by the French side, the first 18 aircraft will be
delivered between T0+36 months and T0+53 months.” Significantly, the Rafale
aircraft delivered to the Indian Air Force will not have full operational
capability: the 13 India Specific Enhancements (ISE) will be fitted in
India “in batches after April 2022, when the 36th Rafale is delivered, 67
months after the signing of the IGA (see report by Dinakar Peri in The

55.6% more than the benchmark price
 Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar exchanges documents with his French
counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian after signing an MoU on the purchase of 36
Rafale fighter aircraft in the presence of French President Francois
Hollande and Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Hyderabad House in New Delhi
on January 25, 2016.
Defence Ministry protested against PMO undermining Rafale negotiations

One of the most contentious issues about the Rafale deal, which went up for
resolution to the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) chaired by the Prime
Minister, was the benchmark price. This is a number discovered in advance
by financial experts which acts as a ceiling on the finally negotiated
price of the whole package. The three officials pointed out in their note
that the Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP) stipulated that in all cases
the Contract Negotiating Committee “should establish a benchmark and
reasonableness of price in an Internal Meeting before opening the
Commercial Offer.” In this case, the Defence Acquisition Council had
directed on August 28 and September 1, 2015 that the benchmark price should
be decided and finalised by the INT before starting price negotiations.
Following a detailed technical process, which factored in the necessary
equalisations and adjustments, the benchmark price determined for the
aircraft and weapons packages in the new deal was €5.06 billion.


Government waived anti-corruption clauses in Rafale deal

Here the note from the three domain experts provides crucial and hitherto
unpublished information on how the final price for the whole Rafale package
shot up to €7.87 billion: “It is highlighted that the initial commercial
offer from the French side was for firm and fixed price which was converted
to price based on escalation formula during the price negotiations. The
benchmark price prepared by INT was for firm and fixed price and not
adjusted to price based on escalation formula. The final price offered by
the French Government (which is escalation based) is 55.6% above the
benchmark (which is for firm and fixed price). Considering the future
escalations till the time of delivery, the gap in the benchmark and the
final price would further increase. Minor adjustments towards costs of
Technical Publications, Advance Training of IAF Pilots and Technicians and
Role Equipment would not make much dent to this huge gap.”

Eurofighter offer is much cheaper
The offer which also figured in the determination of the benchmark price
was from M/s EADS, the maker of the Eurofighter Typhoon, the only other
aircraft to qualify the UPA-era trials along with Rafale. “During the
benchmarking exercise,” the note reveals, “the INT had noted that the offer
of 20% discount by M/s EADS was absolute without any escalation factor
except some modifications in the payment terms.” Factoring in an additional
5% discount as the negotiating margin, the Indian Negotiating Team applied
a discount of 25% on the M/s EADS cost as one of the inputs for the
benchmarking exercise.

“Even without taking this discount into consideration, the offer of French
Government is still substantially higher than the price offered by M/s EADS
(adjusted to the scope of 36 Rafale Aircraft Procurement) when compared on
firm and fixed price as per broad assessment carried out with the MMRCA

Cost of bank guarantees
Contrary to the argument put forth by the government that the UPA-era
commercial offer and the deal signed by Modi government are not comparable,
the note states that in the DAC on May 13, 2015, where the case for the 36
Rafale flyaway aircraft was first approved, G. Mohan Kumar, the Defence
Secretary, “suggested that the ‘Benchmark Price’ and comparison of how much
lesser it was, vis-à-vis the earlier Price (since this was a commitment to
the PM by the French Government) should be arrived at and placed on record
before proceeding any further.”

“To establish ‘better terms for price’,” the note goes on to narrate, “the
French side was repeatedly asked to align the commercial offers submitted
by Industrial Suppliers in MMRCA process to the scope of supplies as per 36
Rafale procurement.” However, “the French side refused to take cognizance
of this aspect.”

Did the PMO undermine Rafale negotiations?

“The commercial offers in the MMRCA process were aligned by the INT after
factoring in the scope of supplies as per 36 Rafale procurement and
compared with the final offer made by the French side,” the note adds.
While the commercial offers submitted by Dassault Aviation during the UPA
government were based on the submission of bank guarantees against advance
payments, the final price offered to Modi government was without any
sovereign or government guarantee or bank guarantees.

The aligned cost, which included the bank guarantee cost, was €8.059
billion, which came down to €7.48 billion after the commercial impact of
bank guarantees of 7.28% was deducted. The final price offered by the
French to the Modi government was “still 5.3% higher than the Aligned Cost
of the commercial quotes submitted by M/s Dassault Aviation and M/s MBDA in
MMRCA procurement process.”

Delivery schedule
The other claim made by the NDA government is that it has negotiated for
the Indian Air Force a better delivery schedule than what was under
prolonged process during the UPA government. The note says that “as per the
DAC meeting held on 28-08-2015 and 01-09-2015 the delivery schedule
incorporated in draft IGA is T0+37 months to T0+60 months,” but “the
delivery schedule finally offered by the French side is T0+36 months to
T0+67 months.”

But the clinching evidence for the three officials is the delivery schedule
of the 18 flyaway aircraft in the UPA-government contract. Their note says
that “in the MMRCA process, the first 18 flyaway aircrafts were being
delivered between T0+36 months to T0+48 months whereas in the delivery
schedule offered by the French side, first 18 aircrafts will be delivered
between T0+36 months and T0+53 months.”

Exorbitant cost of ISE ‘design & development’
As reported in The Hindu of January 18, 2019, the big difference in the
per-aircraft price between the two deals – one being negotiated under the
original MMRCA procurement process, the other concluded by the NDA
government – was the distribution of the exorbitant cost for the “design
and development” of 13 India Specific Enhancements over 36 instead of 126
aircraft. More details have emerged in this note which, while validating
The Hindu’s investigative findings on this issue, provide greater clarity
on what this “design and development” cost of the ISEs was all about.

“During the MMRCA procurement process,” the note of dissent reveals, “the
aircraft offered by M/s Dassault Aviation did not meet certain ASQRs
[Aerospace Supplier Quality Requirement] stipulated in the MMRCA RFP. M/s
Dassault Aviation offered to meet these deficiencies at an additional cost.
M/s Dassault Aviation termed these deficiencies as India Specific
Enhancements (ISEs) for which an Additional Commercial Proposal was
accepted from M/s Dassault Aviation in the MMRCA procurement process with
the approval of the DAC.”

Watch: How a decision by Prime Minister Modi raised the prices of Rafale
jets by 41%

However, the note clarifies that “the MMRCA offer of M/s Dassault Aviation,
including the Additional Commercial Proposal, was an un-negotiated offer
and reasonability of all elements of cost was yet to be established.”

The note goes on to say that “it was particularly noted by the INT that the
Additional Commercial Proposal of 1400 million Euros towards NRC for Design
and Development of ISE was exorbitant and unrealistic. The price has been
further escalated in the final offer and then reduced factoring in global
discounts given by the French side and also the financial impact due to
alignment of advance/stage payments schedule with the MMRCA offer.”

A comparison with the mid-life upgrade of Mirage-2000, supplied by Dassault
Aviation, was highlighted by the three members: “The Mirage MLU Contract of
July 2011 wherein price for D&D was only 348 million Euros; therefore, the
price quoted for ISE in the final offer is exorbitantly high.”

The report by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on the deal is
long overdue. The institution is constitutionally empowered and proudly
terms itself the ‘Supreme Audit Institution of India’ at its website.
Whether the rich information in this note of dissent by the three domain
experts on the INT, and other documents that have come to light through
independent journalistic investigation, will find its way into the CAG
report and the conclusions drawn will be widely followed across the media
and political spectrum.

Peace Is Doable

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