[<<18. The two sides expressed satisfaction at the first Joint Venture West 
Coast Refinery and Petrochemical Project estimated to cost US $ 44 billion 
and both sides agreed to expedite the implementation of the project, which 
will be the largest green field refinery in the world to be implemented in 
one phase. In addition, $10 billion through the Public Investment Fund and 
its technology partners, and other investments opportunities potentially 
worth $26 billion being explored.>>

Compare with:
<<Even as the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is on a state 
visit to India, Maharashtra’s Environment Minister, Ramdas Kadam, on 
Wednesday announced the cancellation of land acquisition for the Saudi 
Arabia-backed Nanar refinery project in Maharashtra.
In April last year, Saudi Aramco, which is one of the largest crude 
producers in the world, had signed a partnership with Indian PSUs to build 
a $44-billion refinery and petrochemical project at Nanar village in the 
coastal Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra.>>
(Ref>: <

So, just so much of hot air (or Jumla?).

<<34. The two sides stressed the importance of regional stability and good 
neighbouring relations. His Royal Highness appreciated consistent efforts 
made by Prime Minister Modi since May 2014 including Prime Minister’s 
personal initiatives to have friendly relations with Pakistan. In this 
context, both sides agreed on the need for creation of conditions necessary 
for resumption of the comprehensive dialogue between India and Pakistan.
35. Affirming that the menace of extremism and terrorism threatens all 
nations and societies, the two sides rejected any attempt to link this 
universal phenomenon to any particular race, religion or culture. Both 
sides called on all states to reject the use of terrorism against other 
countries; dismantle terrorism infrastructures where they happen to exist 
and to cut off any kind of support and financing to the terrorists 
perpetrating terrorism from all territories against other states; and bring 
perpetrators of acts of terrorism to justice. The two sides also noted the 
need for concerted action by the international community against terrorism 
including through early adoption of the UN Comprehensive Convention on 
International Terrorism and underlined the importance of comprehensive 
sanctioning of terrorists and their organisations by the UN.
36. Both sides called up on all countries to renounce the use of terrorism 
as an instrument of state policy. They also called upon all states to deny 
access to weapons including missiles and drones to commit terrorist acts 
against other countries. 
37. The Prime Minister and His Royal Highness condemned in the strongest 
terms, the recent terrorist attack on Indian security forces on 14 
February, 2019 in Pulwama in Jammu & Kashmir.>>

That's in the context of Pulwama.
Compare with the Saudi-Pak joint statment, issued two days ago:
<<During the official talks in Islamabad, ***His Royal Highness the Crown 
Prince and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense praised openness and 
efforts of Prime Minister Imran Khan for dialogue with India and the 
opening of the Kartarpur crossing point and the efforts exerted by both 
sides, stressing that dialogue is the only way to ensure peace and 
stability in the region to resolve outstanding issues*** [emphasis added].
They strongly condemned the atrocities and human rights violations 
committed against Muslims around the world.>>
(Ref.: <

Both the statements harp on the salience of "dialogue".]


Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Prime Minister's Office

20-February-2019 23:14 IST

India-Saudi Arabia Joint Statement during the State Visit of His Royal 
Highness the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia to India 

1. At the invitation of Hon’ble Prime Minister of the Republic of India 
Shri Narendra Modi, and under the guidance of the Custodian of the Two Holy 
Mosques, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz 
Al Saud, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of 
Saudi Arabia paid his first State visit to India from 19-20 February 2019, 
where he was received at the airport by the Hon’ble Prime Minister. The 
visit follows the official visit of Prime Minister Modi to the Kingdom of 
Saudi Arabia in April, 2016 at the invitation of the custodian of the Two 
Holy Mosques His Majesty King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud.

2. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was accorded a ceremonial welcome on 
February 20, 2019 at the Forecourt of the Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi. 
President Kovind also hosted a banquet dinner in honour of His Royal 

3. Prime Minister Modi and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin 
Salman bin Abdulaziz held delegation level talks at Hyderabad House on 
February 20, 2019. External Affairs Minister Smt. Sushma Swaraj called on 
His Royal Highness.

4. India and Saudi Arabia enjoy cordial and friendly relations reflecting 
the centuries old economic and socio-cultural ties. Close geographical 
proximity, civilizational links, cultural affinity, natural synergies, 
vibrant people to people contacts. Common challenges and opportunities have 
added momentum to this robust engagement.

5. The bilateral discussions were held in the spirit of strong friendship 
that binds the two countries and their leaders. They expressed satisfaction 
at the excellent state of bilateral ties of friendship and cooperation, 
which are marked by trust, mutual understanding, goodwill and respect for 
each other’s interests. Both sides expressed satisfaction at the progress 
made in diverse fields including trade, energy, security and cultural 
spheres since the landmark visit of the Prime Minister to Riyadh in April 
2016 – a visit which served to enhance our engagement and take our 
relations to the next level.

6. Prime Minister Modi welcomed the recent changes initiated by His Royal 
Highness Crown Prince to bring in moderation and openness in Saudi Arabia 
while His Royal Highness the Crown Prince conveyed his appreciation for 
Indian model of ethos of inclusiveness, pluralism and tolerance.

7. The two sides re-affirmed their deep commitment to strengthen the 
‘strategic partnership’ envisaged in the ‘Riyadh Declaration’ of February 
2010 and reiterated during the visit of the Custodian of the Two Holy 
Mosques His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, in February 2014 and 
the visit of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to Saudi Arabia in April 

8. The two sides agreed to cement the existing ‘Strategic Partnership’ with 
‘high level monitoring mechanism by the creation of Strategic Partnership 
Council led by the Honourable Prime Minister and His Royal Highness the 
Crown Prince, supported by ministerial representation covering the whole 
spectrum of strategic relationships. 

9. Both sides welcomed the outcomes of the Workshop between NITI Aayog and 
Saudi Centre for International Strategic Partnership (SCISP) organised 
recently in Riyadh. The Workshop has identified more than 40 opportunities 
of joint collaboration and investments across various sectors. 

10. The following MoUs were signed during the visit:-

(I) MoU on investing in the National Investment and Infrastructure Fund of 

(II) MoU on cooperation in the field of Tourism.

(III) MoU on cooperation in the field of Housing.

(IV) Framework cooperation programme between Invest India and Saudi Arabia 
General Investment Authority (SAGIA).

(V) MoU for cooperation on Broadcasting for exchange of Audio-Visual 

(VI) Agreement for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to join the International 
Solar Alliance (ISA) launched by Honourable Prime Minister Modi.

11. Taking note of the positive trend in the bilateral trade over the 
recent years, the two sides acknowledged the huge untapped potential 
available in the merchandise trade, particularly in the non-oil trade. The 
two sides appreciated the positive deliberations held during the 12th 
session of the India-Saudi Joint Commission Meeting held in Riyadh in 
February 2018, for enhancing cooperation in economic, commercial, 
investment, cultural and technological fields. 

12. The two sides stressed the importance of increasing trade volume 
between the two countries, and eliminating export barriers. 

13. The two sides agreed on further deepening trade and investment 
cooperation between the two countries by aligning the Kingdom’sVision 2030 
and its 13 Vision Realization Programs with India’s flagship initiatives of 
"Make in India”, "Start Up India”, "Smart Cities”, "Clean India”, and 
"Digital India”. The Saudi side expressed its readiness to attract Indian 
private/ public sector investments and expertise, in the upcoming mega 
projects in Saudi Arabia. The two sides acknowledged positive 
transformation of economies of India and Saudi Arabia.

14. Both sides welcomed the key initiatives taken by both Governments to 
improve the ease of doing business, simplify and rationalize existing rules 
and relax the foreign direct investment norms in key areas.

15. Both sides welcomed the positive change in investment climate after the 
signing of the Framework Cooperation Agreement between the Saudi Arabian 
General Investment Authority (SAGIA) and Invest India during Prime Minister 
Modi’s visit to Riyadh in 2016. The two sides urged the business 
communities to utilize the investment opportunities in both countries, 
especially in the fields of infrastructure, mining, energy including 
renewables, food security and technology transfer, and to further 
consolidate cooperation in the areas of skilled human resources in 
information technology, electronics and telecommunications.

16. Recognizing the availability of sophisticated infrastructure and 
logistical services in the Kingdom’s industrial cities and ports, His Royal 
Highness welcomed investments by Indian companies in the Kingdom for 
domestic and regional market access.

17. The Prime Minister welcomed the announcement of His Royal Highness to 
invest in the areas of energy, refining, petrochemicals, infrastructure, 
agriculture, minerals and mining, manufacturing, education and health 
potentially worth in excess of $100 billion.

18. The two sides expressed satisfaction at the first Joint Venture West 
Coast Refinery and Petrochemical Project estimated to cost US $ 44 billion 
and both sides agreed to expedite the implementation of the project, which 
will be the largest green field refinery in the world to be implemented in 
one phase. In addition, $10 billion through the Public Investment Fund and 
its technology partners, and other investments opportunities potentially 
worth $26 billion being explored.

19. The Prime Minister of India welcomed the investment from Saudi Arabia 
in the National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) and other key 
sectors in India. In this context, both sides appreciated the signing of 
the MoU on investing in the National Investment and Infrastructure Fund 
(NIIF) as it will pave the way for expanding bilateral economic cooperation.

20. Prime Minister Modi welcomed the intent by Saudi side towards 
investments in India, especially in the areas of energy, refining, 
petrochemicals, infrastructure, agriculture, minerals and mining, 
manufacturing, education and health.

21. The two sides welcomed the signing of MoU for Cooperation in the field 
of Housing and encouraged Indian companies to participate in the housing 
projects in Saudi Arabia.

22. His Royal Highness Crown Prince welcomed Prime Minister’s initiative on 
Coalition on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure and hailed it as an 
important step towards disaster management.

23. Recognizing the importance of the energy security as a key pillar of 
the strategic partnership, the two sides expressed desire to grow bilateral 
trade in the energy sector, acknowledging Saudi Arabia as the world’s most 
reliable supplier of oil & gas and the key supplier to India. The two sides 
stressed on continuation of the India-Saudi Arabia Energy consultations. 
The two sides agreed to transform the buyer-seller relationship in the 
energy-sector to strategic partnership focusing on investment and joint 
ventures in petrochemical complexes.

24. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince reiterated the Kingdom’s commitment 
to meet India’s growing needs for crude oil and petroleum products and 
substitute for any shortages that may arise as a result of any disruptions 
from other sources. 

25. The Prime Minister also welcomed the Kingdom’s participation in the 
India’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPRs).

26. The Prime Minister of India welcomed the decision of the Saudi side to 
join the International Solar Alliance. Both sides noted the potential 
cooperation in the renewable energy sector not only in investment but also 
in Research and Development.

27. The two sides also agreed to cooperate in the areas of space, science 
and technology, including remote sensing, satellite communication and 
satellite-based navigation.

28. The two sides agreed to set up a Joint Working Group on Skill 
Development to identify areas of cooperation, where the two countries can 
benefit from each other’s core competencies in important fields such as 
manufacturing, information technology, communications, and programming. 

29. The two sides welcomed the recent developments in India-Saudi 
co-operation in the defence sector, particularly in the fields of exchange 
of expertise and training, especially after the MoU on Defence Cooperation 
signed during the visit of His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to 
India in February 2014. In this context, they welcomed the outcomes of the 
recently held 4th Joint Committee on Defence Cooperation in Riyadh on 2-3 
January, 2019.

30. The two sides agreed to hold the inaugural joint naval exercises at the 
earliest and agreed to further expand bilateral exercises in other domains.

31. Noting the potential and mutual benefit, the two sides agreed to 
cooperate and collaborate in joint defence production of spare parts for 
Naval and Land systems as well as supply chain development, in line with 
‘Make in India’ and ‘Vision 2030’.

32. The two sides agreed to work together with other Indian Ocean Rim 
Countries for enhancing maritime security, vital for the security and 
prosperity of both countries and safe passage for international trade. 

33. With regards to regional connectivity projects, both sides agreed that 
they should be based on international law including respect for sovereignty 
and territorial integrity of states.

34. The two sides stressed the importance of regional stability and good 
neighbouring relations. His Royal Highness appreciated consistent efforts 
made by Prime Minister Modi since May 2014 including Prime Minister’s 
personal initiatives to have friendly relations with Pakistan. In this 
context, both sides agreed on the need for creation of conditions necessary 
for resumption of the comprehensive dialogue between India and Pakistan.

35. Affirming that the menace of extremism and terrorism threatens all 
nations and societies, the two sides rejected any attempt to link this 
universal phenomenon to any particular race, religion or culture. Both 
sides called on all states to reject the use of terrorism against other 
countries; dismantle terrorism infrastructures where they happen to exist 
and to cut off any kind of support and financing to the terrorists 
perpetrating terrorism from all territories against other states; and bring 
perpetrators of acts of terrorism to justice. The two sides also noted the 
need for concerted action by the international community against terrorism 
including through early adoption of the UN Comprehensive Convention on 
International Terrorism and underlined the importance of comprehensive 
sanctioning of terrorists and their organisations by the UN.

36. Both sides called up on all countries to renounce the use of terrorism 
as an instrument of state policy. They also called upon all states to deny 
access to weapons including missiles and drones to commit terrorist acts 
against other countries. 

37. The Prime Minister and His Royal Highness condemned in the strongest 
terms, the recent terrorist attack on Indian security forces on 14 
February, 2019 in Pulwama in Jammu & Kashmir.

38. The two sides discussed regional and international issues of mutual 
interest, including the security situation in West Asia and Middle East, in 
the light of their common interest in the regional and global peace, 
security and stability. Both sides emphasized Security Council Resolution 
(2254) with regard to the solution in Syria, and Security Council 
Resolution (2216), the GCC initiative, and the outcomes of the Yemeni 
National Dialogue with regard to the solution in Yemen. 

39. The two sides expressed their hope for achieving a just, comprehensive 
and lasting peace in the Middle East based on the Arab Peace Initiative and 
the relevant UN resolutions, to guarantee the legitimate rights of the 
Palestinian people. 

40. To enhance further cooperation in the Counter-terrorism efforts and 
benefit mutually from real-time intelligence sharing, the two sides agreed 
to constitute a ‘Comprehensive Security Dialogue’ at the level of National 
Security Advisors and set up a Joint Working Group on Counter-Terrorism.

41. The Prime Minister and His Royal Highness reiterated to continue the 
ongoing close cooperation on a range of security issues, particularly on 
maritime security, law enforcement, anti-money laundering, drug 
trafficking, human trafficking, illegal migration, and other transnational 
organized crimes.

42. Expressing serious concerns at the misuse of cyber space as a medium to 
promote subversive and extremist ideologies, the two sides welcomed the 
signing of MoU on Technical Cooperation in Cyber Space and Combating Cyber 
Crime. Both sides agreed to promote cooperation including prevention of the 
use of Cyberspace for terror, radicalism and incitement to disturb social 

43. The Indian side thanked the Saudi leadership for hosting a large Indian 
community and for ensuring their continued welfare and well-being.

44. Prime Minister thanked the Saudi leadership for designating India as 
the ‘Guest of Honour’ in the 32nd Saudi National Festival of Heritage & 
Culture – Janadriyah 2018. The two sides emphasized on further enhancing 
people to people contacts and strengthening the cultural cooperation by 
organizing Cultural weeks - ‘India Week in Saudi Arabia’ and ‘Saudi Arabia 
Week in India’ at regular intervals.

45. Prime Minister expressed his thanks to the Custodian of the Two Holy 
Mosques and to Highness the Crown Prince for increasing the quota for Hajj 
pilgrims from India to 200,000 to reflect the latest census.

46. Prime Minister expressed his thanks to the Custodian of the Two Holy 
Mosques and to His Royal Highness for ordering the release of 850 Indian 
prisoners from Saudi jails.

47. Both sides expressed the desire to broaden people-to-people 
interactions and to increase two-way tourism by addressing challenges with 
regard to consular and immigration related issues.

48. The Indian Government has agreed to increase the seats of Saudi Arabian 
Airlines from 80,000 Seats/Months to 112,000 Seats/Month and studies 
underway to increase that number substantially.

49. Both sides look forward to the integration of migration platforms of 
both the countries viz., e-Migrate and e-Tawtheeq to create a robust 
migration environment.

50. Both sides agreed to explore opportunities for cooperation in the area 
of payment systems including RuPAY for the benefit of Indian community in 
general and more particularly the Hajj/Umrah pilgrims. The Prime Minister 
thanked His Royal Highness Crown Prince for sorting out the issue of 
"Iqamah” for the Indian Labour who were stranded in Saudi Arabia for no 
fault of their own, and resolving this humanitarian issue.

51. Both sides committed themselves to promoting reformed multilateralism 
through enhanced cooperation at multilateral fora and in international 
organisations, including in UN, G-20, WTO, etc. In this context, they 
emphasised the need for reform in global governance architecture such as UN 
Security Council, WTO, international financial systems, etc.

52. Both sides emphasized the importance of an effective reformed 
multilateral system, centred on a UN reflective of contemporary realities, 
as a key factor in tackling global challenges. They stressed upon the 
urgent need to pursue UN reforms, including of the Security Council.

53. The two sides also reiterated their commitment to working together to 
address fugitive economic offenders including through international 
organisations and institutions.

54. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, 
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence expressed his gratitude to 
the Government and people of India for the warm hospitality extended to him 
and the accompanying delegation.

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