[By raising the misleading bogey of "stolen documents", the Attorney
General, the highest law officer of the state, has not only made a fool of
himself and the government that he represents, he has, in effect, certified
the facts cited by N Ram in his investigative analysis.

My comment, prior to the  "clarifications":

《No document, btw, has, possibly, "disappeared".
At least, that doesn't appear to be the contention till now.
What the AG meant is that the contents have been leaked "illegally", by way
of stealth.
To make it sound sensational - "stolen documents".
That has boomeranged.

The very same one had argued before the Supreme Court that 13' high and 5'
thick walls guarantee the safety of the stored Aadhaar data.》

(Ref.: <

So, now one can only hope that the highest court of the land would look
into the substantive issues raised in the review petition by Shourie, Sinha
and Bhushan, in discharge of the solemn duty it is entrusted with.

One has, in this context, to keep in mind that the government itself, in
its own defence, had come out with the copy of the file notings (ref.: <
including that of the Raksha Mantri at the bottom, which, leaving aside
this addition, completely tallied with the version of foregoing notes,
raising alarm at the parallel, and unauthorised, negotiations conducted by
the PMO (ref.: <
giving a lie to the government's relevant claim before the Court.
Hence, the charge of perjury.
It just can't be brushed aside.

As far as the "deal" as whole is concerned, the major issues are as under:
1. Non-disclosure of price, despite categorical public commitment by the
Defence Minister on November 17 2017, reiterating the one by Defence
Secretary: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0qKRCG0IPM>.
2 a. Brushing aside of the mandatory procedure - prior clearance by the CCS.
2 b. Abrupt reduction in number to be procured - from 126 to 36, without
any due diligence.
3 a. Replacement of the public sector HAL, with decades of experience in
the specific field, by a private sector enterprise with no whatever
experience and registered only days before announcement of the radically
revised deal.
3 b. Consequent dropping of the provision for technology transfer.
4. Non-resort to re-bidding, the deal having been drastically reworked.

The most conspicuous, and utterly disturbing, is the way the requirement of
126 jets (7 squadrons), worked out by following a elaborate due process,
was drastically slashed down to mere 36 (2 squadrons) without any input
from, or even knowledge of, any of the legitimate stakeholders.
(This would be regularised only post facto.)

The Foreign Secretary briefed the press on April 8 2015 (ref.: <
(specifically) on the PM's trip to Europe to commence the very next day,
with not even the faintest idea of any impending change.
He, in fact, let alone change, had categorically denied the possibility of
finalising the Rafale deal during the trip.

Modi announced the change, just two days thereafter, on April 10 2015, in
Paris, with Anil Ambani in tow.
Even the Defence Minister being completely kept in the dark!!!
(Ref.: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2udl1EHdZ2s>, 0:18 - 0:26 mins. The
keyword is "probably", also highly helpul is the way it was delivered, on
April 14 (?) 2010, (four days) after the announcement.)
On March 25th, 2015 - just over a fortnight back, the Dassault Chairman had
announced to the media in presence of Indian dignitaries that the
negotiations with the HAL, the Indian partner, is 95% over. (Ref.: <
and <

Also look up: 'Rafale Controversy: Supreme Court Judgement: Amongst Worst
Ever?' at <
The reason for such grotesque manipulation, given the subsequent
displacement of the PSU HAL by a freshly floated company by  Anil Ambani,
is rather impossible to miss.

N Ram diligently and scrupulously scans the skulduggery indulged in post
April 10 2015.

(Pls. visit the original site, by clicking on the link below, for the
embedded links to the total five write-ups.)]


Investigative reports by N. Ram on the Rafale deal

N. Ram

MARCH 06, 2019 17:13 IST

UPDATED: MARCH 08, 2019 18:26 IST

 A Rafale aircraft performs at the biennial air show Aero India 2019 at the
Yelahanka Air Force Station near Bengaluru on Februray 20, 2019.
A Rafale aircraft performs at the biennial air show Aero India 2019 at the
Yelahanka Air Force Station near Bengaluru on Februray 20, 2019.   | Photo
Credit: Bhagya Prakash K

A big increase in Rafale's price came because the deal bypassed mandated
procedures. The French side took advantage of parallel parleys by the PMO
that weakened Indian team’s position. The govt overruled Financial
Advisers’ recommendation for an escrow account, and the deal was not on
better terms than the UPA-era offer. Here are all of N. Ram’s investigative
reports on the Rafale deal.

(If you are viewing this on The Hindu app, click on this link to view the
package in your browser)

 In This Package

A Rafale jet performing, during the AERO INDIA 2019 at IAF station
Yelahanka, in Bengaluru.

No bank guarantees meant a more expensive new Rafale deal
INT’s final report reveals how the Indian negotiating position was weakened
and the French position bolstered by a parallel negotiating track

Rafale deal not on ‘better terms’ than UPA-era offer
This is among the key findings of the three domain experts on the Indian
Negotiating Team

Government waived anti-corruption clauses in Rafale deal
It also overruled Financial Advisers’ recommendation for an escrow account
after PMO forced a waiver of sovereign or bank guarantee

Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar exchanges documents with his French
counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian after signing an MoU on the purchase of 36
Rafale fighter aircraft in the presence of French President Francois
Hollande and Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Hyderabad House in New Delhi
on January 25, 2016.
Defence Ministry protested against PMO undermining Rafale negotiations

The NDA government decided to buy 36 Rafale fighter jets from Dasault
Aviation in flyaway condition.
Modi’s decision to buy 36 Rafales shot the price of each jet up by 41%

Peace Is Doable

Peace Is Doable

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