The comment itself could be located:

But, which paper carried it still remains a question mark.


On 04/03/2019, Sukla Sen <> wrote:
> [It's probably only yesterday had come across a comment on the printed page
> of a newspaper that Modi is the worst human being of all the Prime
> Ministers that India ever had.
> Unfortunately, can't recall exactly where.
> This level of vile crudeness, in public, was something really unimaginable
> in a Prime Minister.
> Forget about the fact that, even otherwise, he stands and works for the
> destruction of India that had been born on August 15 1947, having been
> forged out in and emerging out of the crucible of the epic freedom struggle
> from which his ideo-political forefathers, for them there were no
> foremothers, had scrupulously maintained a distance.
> To recall one of the foremost modern Bengali poets - of the post-Tagore
> era: A strange darkness has come upon the world today.
> (Look up, if you care: <
> Reproduced below is the text of the statment by the National Platform for
> the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD).
> Also, the (link to the) subject video clip.
> And, a report.
> (One's advised to visit the original site.)]
> I/III.
> Nprd India
> Yesterday at 12:12 ·
> The National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD) condemns the
> disrespectful and insensitive remarks made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi
> during an interaction with students at the Smart India Hackathon 2019
> organised by the India Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee yesterday.
> Instead of answering a question posed by a student, the Prime Minister
> sought to take potshots at his political rivals. In an uncalled for and
> totally insensitive response the Prime Minister tried to portray all
> dyslexic people in poor light. It is all the more unpardonable as it comes
> from a person holding such a high office.
> And this disgusting attitude comes from a person who had equated disability
> with divinity and coined the term “divyang”. Even during the 2014 Lok Sabha
> election campaign Narendra Modi had used terms like blind, deaf, lame etc.
> to belittle his rivals. It is a reflection of a totally regressive mindset.
> Some of his political rivals also display the same tendency. Congress
> President Rahul Gandhi had called the PM schizophrenic, in the not too
> distant past. A hue of other political leaders have also exhibited a
> similar attitude.
> The PM should under no circumstances should be making such a remark. It
> also displays scant respect for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
> Act, 2016 according to which this constitutes an offence. The least the PM
> can do is apologies for his remarks.
> (Muralidharn)
> General Secretary
> III.
> Dear PM Modi, Dyslexia is Not a Joke. Learn More About It Here
> MIND IT4 min read
> During a live interaction with young people on Sunday, Prime Minister
> Narendra Modi decided to take political pot shots at his rivals when a
> student from Dehradun stood up to talk about an invention that would help
> people who suffer from Dyslexia.
> The forum, called ‘Smart India Hackathon 2019’ was addressing students who
> were participating in a competition to find technology-driven solutions to
> deal with issues facing children and women.
> Here’s what transpired. The girl said, “We have an idea to help dyslexic
> children, whose pace of learning and writing is very slow. But they have a
> high intelligence and creativity level as you have seen in the movie Taare
> Zameen Par...”
> The PM intervened to ask if this program “could work for a 40-50 year old
> child too.”
> What followed was laughter, guffaws and claps from other students. The PM
> let the joke sink in before following it up with another zinger, “Then that
> will make the mothers of such children very happy.”
> The National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD) issued a
> statement soon after asking the PM for an apology.
> A lot of people on Twitter called out the PM for his insensitivity.
> Dear Prime Minister, as the tweet above mentions, dyslexia is a common
> learning disorder that affects 3-7 percent of young children. And despite
> the popular joke, it has very little to do with a persons’ intelligence.
> In fact some of the smartest people in the world have dyslexia. Leonardo Da
> Vinci, Picasso, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein to name just a few.
> What is Dyslexia?
> Dyslexia is a brain based condition which makes it difficult for the
> individual to read and spell correctly. This difficulty occurs because the
> dyslexic brain has trouble processing certain kinds of information.
> In an earlier piece written for FIT, psychologist Parchi Jain explains,
> For instance, because of the similarity between ‘b’ and ‘d’, the brain may
> not always be able to differentiate between them and hence use them
> synonymously.
> fbtw
> This is why dyslexics are often slow readers and cannot always read in a
> way that seems natural and without effort since they have trouble decoding
> and comprehending.
> Symptoms like bad spellings and difficulty in reading are tell-tale signs
> of dyslexia. Children with dyslexia may often confuse matching letter and
> sounds – both while reading and while spelling them out.
> Caregivers and teachers will notice that their best learning occurs through
> gesticulation and observation. Sometimes the dyslexic person will seem to
> have difficulty with vision while reading – yet eye-exams may not reveal
> anything. They will be poor with phonetics, think primarily in images (not
> in words) and can also have halting speech as they have difficulty putting
> thoughts into words.
> An extensive list of symptoms and signs can be found here. However,
> remember two things: It’s always best to seek professional advice, and – no
> two dyslexics will have the exact same symptoms.
> How can Parents, Care Givers Help?
>  Since dyslexia is the most common type of learning disorder it is often
> confused with other disorders as well.
> Since dyslexia is the most common type of learning disorder it is often
> confused with other disorders as well.
> (Photo: iStock)
> There are lots of ways you can help a child with dyslexia in the the
> classroom as well as at home. But the first and foremost thing to be done
> is to intervene at a stage which is not advanced. The earlier the diagnosis
> is done and help is brought in, the better it is for the child’s esteem and
> performance.
> Teachers and parents should allot time with the child wherein they can
> teach the child to write from an early stage.
> Practising handwriting is a must as research proves that manuscript lessons
> help activate and coordinate the reading circuit. The earlier the child is
> taught how to write and read the alphabet, the more proficient they can
> become.
> Repetition is key with dyslexics. It’s a slow process; don’t expect
> perfection from the start and try not to give up.
> Also Read : Don’t Judge a Dyslexic Child – Know These 5 FAQs By Heart
> Instead
> (FIT is now available on Telegram and WhatsApp. To receive handpicked
> stories on topics you care about, subscribe to our Telegram and WhatsApp
> channels.)
> --
> Peace Is Doable

Peace Is Doable

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