[<<A key database introduced in India’s new gross domestic product (GDP)
series has now been found to be full of holes, raising fresh questions over
the controversial and contested GDP numbers in Asia’s third-largest economy.

A study conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in the 12
months ended June 2017 and released last week has found that as much as 38%
of companies that are part of MCA-21 database of companies and are used in
India’s GDP calculations could not be traced or were wrongly classified.

The results were so disappointing that two detailed reports based on the
survey had to be junked. It is worth noting that these companies were
deemed as “active companies" by the ministry of corporate affairs (MCA),
which includes any company that has filed returns at least once in the past
three years on its list of active firms.

Statisticians say the use of the untested database in India’s national
accounts also raises troubling questions about the decline of the Central
Statistics Office (CSO), which was once a globally renowned institution,
and the reliability of India’s official statistics.

“This is a devastating blow for CSO," said R. Nagaraj, a professor at the
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research in Mumbai. “Some of us had
repeatedly asked CSO officials to verify the MCA-21 numbers before using
them in national accounts, but they finalized the new series without
adequate scrutiny and debate.">>]


New GDP series faces fresh questions after NSSO discovers holes

4 min read . Updated: 10 May 2019, 04:34 PM IST

Pramit Bhattacharya

A third of the firms in MCA-21 database used to calculate GDP found dodgy
Results from the MCA-21 database survey were so disappointing that two
reports based on it had to be junked

NEW DELHI: A key database introduced in India’s new gross domestic product
(GDP) series has now been found to be full of holes, raising fresh
questions over the controversial and contested GDP numbers in Asia’s
third-largest economy.

A study conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in the 12
months ended June 2017 and released last week has found that as much as 38%
of companies that are part of MCA-21 database of companies and are used in
India’s GDP calculations could not be traced or were wrongly classified.

The results were so disappointing that two detailed reports based on the
survey had to be junked. It is worth noting that these companies were
deemed as “active companies" by the ministry of corporate affairs (MCA),
which includes any company that has filed returns at least once in the past
three years on its list of active firms.

Statisticians say the use of the untested database in India’s national
accounts also raises troubling questions about the decline of the Central
Statistics Office (CSO), which was once a globally renowned institution,
and the reliability of India’s official statistics.

“This is a devastating blow for CSO," said R. Nagaraj, a professor at the
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research in Mumbai. “Some of us had
repeatedly asked CSO officials to verify the MCA-21 numbers before using
them in national accounts, but they finalized the new series without
adequate scrutiny and debate."

The key change in the new GDP series launched in 2015 was the use of
MCA-21, which CSO sourced from MCA. Even at the time it was being
introduced in the national accounts calculations, several economists had
raised questions on this issue (see “The truth behind India’s new GDP
numbers", Mint, 2 April 2015). Nagaraj was among the first to raise red
flags on this.

Critics argued that the database includes many fictitious or shell firms
that exist only on paper. They also said the methodology used to plug in
the MCA-21 numbers in the national accounts tends to lend an overestimation
bias in the GDP numbers. They demanded the MCA-21 data be released to
researchers and the public so that the unit-level data could be examined.
Even those who thought the new GDP series represented a great
methodological leap by CSO made the same demand.

So far, India’s national accounts statisticians at CSO have defended the
use of the new database although they stopped short of making it public.
But now, their own colleagues from NSSO have warned about the presence of a
large number of ghost firms in the database.

NSSO got into the act while carrying out a survey on the service sector
(74th round), supposed to be a first-of-its-kind survey on the service
sector. The MCA-21 database was used as part of the sampling frame for the
survey as it had addresses and other details of firms. Business registers
in states that had such registers and data from the last economic census
were the other parts of the sampling frame.

This survey strategy was approved by the National Statistical Commission
(NSC) two years ago, and later even a tabulation plan for the two reports
that were to be generated on the basis of this survey was approved by it.

The disappointing results from the field led NSC to suggest a short
technical report instead of the two reports it had sanctioned earlier.

That NSSO report highlights the gravity of the problem. 16.4% of the firms
listed in the MCA-21 frame either could not be traced or were found to be
closed. Another 21.4% were found “out of coverage", suggesting they were no
longer operating as service sector firms though they had registered—and
were being captured in national accounts—as such..

“The problem of non-response was severe in case of units chosen from MCA
frame," the report says. “About 45% of MCA units were found to be
out-of-survey/casualty while EC/BR (economic census/business register)
frame had about 18% of such cases." The report shows that many of them are
fake or shell firms, said Nagaraj. “They remain legally registered but
without producing goods and services."

P.C. Mohanan, former NSC member and former NSSO chief, said the MCA-21
database did not receive the scrutiny it should have. Mohanan, who resigned
from NSC in December over the suppression of an NSSO jobs report, was at
NSC when the 74th round results first came in.

“The CSO should have done some kind of critical scrutiny and validation
before using the MCA-21 database in the new GDP series, either through
quick surveys or by comparing with other databases, or consultations with
accountants familiar with company filings," said Mohanan. “That kind of
critical examination was always done by CSO whenever they introduced new
databases earlier, but I am not sure if MCA-21 data was examined in the
same manner. This was all the more important because unlike other databases
such as ASI or NSSO surveys used by CSO, this database is not publicly

Nagaraj said the database should be made public, and that a statistical
audit by independent experts was sorely needed.

The then chief statistician, T.C.A. Anant, under whose watch the new GDP
series was prepared, declined to comment, saying he was a member of the
Union Public Service Commission now, and would not like to speak to
reporters. A spokesperson for the ministry of statistics and programme
implementation did not comment on the implications for the GDP series.
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