[《Thus, it was concluded that the nature of the symptoms, and death, may
not be due to an infectious agent such as virus or bacteria. While litchi
alone was not the root cause of the disease and deaths, consuming the raw
fruit on an empty stomach by a malnourished child can be severely

In the aftermath of such events in China in 1995, the Chinese print media
and local educational campaigns warning the public of the dangers of
lychees increased in lychee-producing counties. Since 2000, only one
paediatric and 48 adult cases of lychee disease have been reported. All 48
patients received emergency treatment with 50% glucose, and 47 survived
(Zhang et al. 2017).

Professor T Jacob John, CMC Vellore and Dr Arun Shah, Paediatrics, have
determined that fast and complete recovery can be established if children
are infused with 10% glucose within 4 hours of the onset of the symptoms.》]


The link between litchis, malnourishment and the death of over 100 children
in Bihar

Dr. Sumaiya Shaikh

19th June 2019

Dr. Sumaiya Shaikh

More than 100 children have died in Bihar recently. The children present
themselves in the early hours of the morning with symptoms such as
headache, fever, nausea, altered consciousness or unconsciousness. These
symptoms are similar to those presented in cases of brain disorders such as
inflammation or infection of the central nervous system (brain and/or the
spinal cord) due to pathogens such as virus or bacteria. Clinical
investigations have found that the deadly disease was falsely diagnosed as
acute encephalitis syndrome (AES). The disease, in reality, is a metabolic
disease called encephalopathy, occurring to due hypoglycaemia (dangerously
low levels of glucose).

First reported from Muzzafarpur in 1995, subsequent large outbreaks almost
every year, with a timely precision of April-July months (period of litchi
harvest), mostly affecting 3-7-year-olds. Mortality is 40-60% and the
largest number of affected children are malnourished and from rural areas
specifically those around the litchi farms.

Clinicians have attributed encephalopathy and its related deaths in these
children due to a combination of a malnourishment induced lowered glucose
levels, and the consumption of litchi fruits on an empty stomach.

The Head of the Department, Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital
(SKMCH) in Bihar, Dr Gopal Shankar, discredited the causes of death in
children to due litchi consumption and blamed it on the heat and reduced
rainfall in the season.

Furthermore, news headlines of a story reporting this issue in the Times of
India, was published with the title ““Litchi is not the culprit!” insists
Muzaffarpur-based senior paediatrician”. As opposed to the clickbait title
which could create confusion on the safety and toxicity of litchi
consumption, the body of the article reflected the paediatrician’s
evidence-based opinion.

Alt News has studied the scientific literature on such deaths in India due
to litchi consumption for a fact check on the possible causes of this
specific metabolic disease.

Several scientific studies have established the link of litchi consumption
to a disease similar to brain inflammation in children during the litchi
harvesting season (May-July) since the end of the 1990s.

Study 1
In the Bac Giang Province of Northern Vietnam, a clear link was established
between the onset of this epidemic with the time period as well as the area
of the litchi harvest. In Vietnam, the annual risk for these symptoms
increased with the proportion of litchi-cultivated surface. In the
districts that harvested litchis during May-June, the epidemic occurred
earlier than those districts in which the litchis were harvested in the
June-July period. (Paireau, Juliette et al. 2012).

In India, the harvesting period of litchi in various parts of the country
is also in the months of May and June with Muzaffarpur, East Champaran,
Samastipur, Vaisali, and Bhagalpur districts of Bihar accounting for 31% of
the annual production of litchis in India. Thus, it is evident that the
link to the time period of litchi harvest as well as the specific region of
litchi production is critical to the recent deadly encephalopathy epidemic
in India.

Study 2
In 2013-2014, the National Centre for Disease Control, India (NCDC) and the
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) initiated an
investigation to identify the potential causes of the disease.

The aim was to eliminate any other known pathogens or infectious agents,
heavy metals or pesticides associated with litchi fruits that may have
triggered the disease. The laboratory investigation found no evidence of
the aforementioned possible causative agents, and data indicated that the
illness was consistent with a non-inflammatory encephalopathy.

Notably, a common laboratory finding was low blood glucose (<70 mg/dL) on
admission (Shrivastava, Akash et al. 2015).

Thus, this study was another confirmation that low glucose due to
malnourishment and/or skipping meals the night before the symptoms start,
were the determining factors of the children that presented with the
disease in Bihar.

Study 3
A case study in India (Singh et al. 2016), suggested the same pattern of
encephalopathy symptoms and its deaths overlapped the harvest season of
litchis. This study also found significant associations of the disease with
literacy status and occupational status of parents, both suggesting lower
economic class and thus, increased the likelihood of malnourishment among
those children. The study also significantly correlated the presence of
lychee orchard near the vicinity of households.

Thus, by determining the economic status of the families close to the
specific litchi producing orchards, it was determined that poverty and
malnourishment was a key determinant of the encephalopathy disease. Since
all malnourished children did not suffer from the symptoms, it was clear
that the consumption of litchi on empty stomachs triggered the onset.

Study 4
In 2017, a study of affected children using specimens such as blood,
cerebrospinal fluid and urine were conducted to find the association
between litchi consumption and the disease. While the tests determined the
absence of infectious pathogens, pesticides, toxic metals, and other
non-infectious causes in the tested specimens, it tested positive for the
presence of hypoglycin A or methylenecyclopropylglycine (MCPG) (John,
2017). The same compounds are naturally occurring in litchis studied
extensively by Das et al. 2015, and Shah & John, 2014

Both hypoglycin A and MCPG cause hypoglycaemia (lowered glucose) and its
associated metabolic derangement (shutting down of the organ systems) by
blocking the mobilisation of glucose from stored liver reserves of glycogen
(glucose polysaccharide). Since, these reserves are already low in
malnourished children who have skipped evening meals, the effect of such
compounds (hypoglycin A & MPCG) in them is the highest.

To determine the causes, 104 cases were compared with other children of the
same age who did not have the symptoms (controls), and it was deduced that
litchi consumption and absence of an evening meal in the 24 hours preceding
the start of symptoms were associated with the disease.

These results were also correlated with low glucose, hypoglycin A, MCPG, or
both, detected in the urine specimens of affected children. Since none of
the above was detected from children unaffected by this specific form of
encephalopathy i.e. those who did not have the symptoms, the results
established the complex link between the litchi compounds and low glucose.

Also, unripe litchi fruits are more problematic than their ripe
counterparts, as they may contribute to a higher risk of low
glucose-induced encephalopathy. This is due to the higher hypoglycin A and
MCPG content in the unripe litchi fruits.

Thus, it was concluded that the nature of the symptoms, and death, may not
be due to an infectious agent such as virus or bacteria. While litchi alone
was not the root cause of the disease and deaths, consuming the raw fruit
on an empty stomach by a malnourished child can be severely

In the aftermath of such events in China in 1995, the Chinese print media
and local educational campaigns warning the public of the dangers of
lychees increased in lychee-producing counties. Since 2000, only one
paediatric and 48 adult cases of lychee disease have been reported. All 48
patients received emergency treatment with 50% glucose, and 47 survived
(Zhang et al. 2017).

Professor T Jacob John, CMC Vellore and Dr Arun Shah, Paediatrics, have
determined that fast and complete recovery can be established if children
are infused with 10% glucose within 4 hours of the onset of the symptoms.

Thus, other lychee-producing countries such as India might benefit from
regional public information, education, and, simple and fast medical
intervention, i.e. within 4 hours of symptoms.

Also, misinformation or falsely presented information such as ‘litchi is
safe’ can be deadly, while explaining the link associated with malnourished
children using social and print media as well as the government can
potentially save many lives.

Paireau, Juliette et al. “Litchi-associated acute encephalitis in children,
Northern Vietnam, 2004-2009.” Emerging infectious diseases vol. 18,11
(2012): 1817-24. doi:10.3201/eid1811.111761

Singh, Girish Kumar, et al. “Determinants of Acute Encephalitis Syndrome
(AES) in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar, India: A case–control study.”
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 4.4 (2016): 181-187.

Shrivastava, Aakash, et al. “Outbreaks of unexplained neurologic
illness—Muzaffarpur, India, 2013–2014.” MMWR. Morbidity and mortality
weekly report 64.3 (2015): 49.

John, T. J. “Exploration of Association between Litchi Consumption and
Seasonal Acute Encephalopathy Syndrome: Pediatric Infectious Disease
Specialist’s Viewpoint.” Indian pediatrics 54.4 (2017): 323.

Zhang, Li Jie, and Robert E. Fontaine. “Lychee-associated encephalopathy in
China and its reduction since 2000.” The Lancet Global Health 5.9 (2017):

Das, Mukul, et al. “Litchi fruit contains methylene cyclopropyl-glycine.”
Current Science 109.12 (2015): 2195-2197.

John, T. Jacob, and Mukul Das. “Acute encephalitis syndrome in children in
Muzaffarpur: hypothesis of toxic origin.” Current Science 106.9 (2014):

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