Radical Socialist statement on the Supreme Court’s Ayodhya Verdict

Published on Monday, 11 November 2019 10:21
Written by Radical Socialist

The Supreme Court’s verdict on the Babri Masjid title dispute will live in
infamy. While spoken in the voice of India’s highest court, the verdict
rings with the chants and slogans of far-right Hindutva mobilisations.
Radical Socialists rejects the Supreme Court’s decision to award the entire
premises of the Babri Mosque to Ram Lalla. While we prepare a more detailed
analysis of the verdict, some things are already clear: this is a defeat
for secularism and democracy, and a clear danger to the interests of not
only religious minorities but also workers, peasants and ordinary people in

Announced under the watchful eye of a Hindutva government, the verdict
represents the victory of a decades old agenda,achieved through relentless
organisation and the most significant mass mobilisation in independent
India. The Prime Minister has compared the decision to the breaking of the
Berlin Wall and L.K. Advani, architect of the mobilisations of the 1980s
and 90s, has declared it a complete vindication of his role. It is a
reminder that there is no short-cut to confronting the mobilising capacity
of the Sangh Parivar which has paved the way for the current strength of
the BJP and the continuing spread of the RSS, who have changed the
commonsense of the country, and systematically isolated religious
minorities. A steady communalisation of society and state (including the
judiciary) has paved the way for this judgment.

The SC judgment acknowledges the following illegalities. a) That there was
a functioning mosque on the site till 22/23 December 1949. b) That this was
unlawfully stopped by an illegal desecration caused by the surreptitious
installing of Hindu idols. c) That on December 6, 1992 the mosque was
unlawfully and unjustifiably destroyed. The logical course of justice,
following these criminal acts, is the restitution of the mosque. The SC
verdict however, while acknowledging the criminal illegality of what was
done, rewards the perpetrators and their supporters. This sets a chilling
precedent for the future.

The judgment has opened up considerable new space for Hindutva forces. They
are likely to develop a mobilisational politics towards the construction of
a temple in Ayodhya. This will be painted as a ‘national’ task. Working
people will be asked to join in through kar seva and volunteer initiatives.
Moreover, this verdict has given an impetus tothe creation of disputes at
other contested sites.As one of the RSS activists’ slogans of the 1990s and
2000s puts it “Ayodhya to bas jhanki hai, Mathura-Kashi baki hai” (Ayodhya
is a mere glimpse, Mathura and Kashi are to follow). The vitriolic
mobilisation of Hindus against Muslims will worsen. This judgment has
vindicated the basic Marxist theory of state in a class divided society,
where the judiciary is an integral part of its superstructure and not
neutral, independent or sacrosanct vis-à-vis the ruling elites. It has also
exposed and reaffirmed that none of the constitutional political parties,
including the Left, pose any challenge to the current descent into
darkness, let alone reversing the Hindutva-isation of state and society.
Difficult questions of political strategy no doubt lie ahead but one thing
is clear: equivocation on the Babri Masjid verdict will be a disaster for
the longer term effort to build up the power of workers and peasants
against the Hindutva and capitalist onslaught. The failure of a single
non-Muslim political force to condemn the verdict reveals the extent to
which the Sangh Parivar is setting the agenda, with the full backing of the
ruling classes.

There is nothing in this agenda which addresses the real issues in lives of
the masses. Constructing the Ram Mandir and carrying forward other parts of
the Sangh Parivar’s aims will draw out more contradictions in the political
project of Hindutva, offering points of active and structure intervention.
Revolutionary, democratic and independent progressive forces have to
actively add this principled perspective and long-term vision to all
possible initiatives, no matter how small.

We cannot, however, forget the pusillanimity of the so-called secular
parties – demonstrated once again in their responses to the verdict. The
Congress and SP have suggested that they support the construction of the
Ram Mandir and believe that this will strengthen the secular fabric of the
country. BSP and CPI statements have tried to evade the issue by praising
the constitution and calling for peace. Mamata Banerjee’s silence is
evidence of an even deeper paralysis. The CPI(M) statement, while calling
for punishment of those guilty for the demolition of the Babri Masjid, has
gone no further than talking of the “questionable premises” of the
judgment. In short, the bourgeois parties have variously surrendered,
evaded, or embraced the verdict and the mainstream parliamentary left has
shown itself unable to stand up and fight in a principled and consistent
manner, even in terms of its own rhetoric of the past three decades.

Revolutionary, democratic and progressive forces will have to navigate
these troubled waters care-fully. While insisting on our principled
position, we must join in all efforts to provide help and assistance to
beleaguered members of the Muslim community in every place they are
present; including those carried out by a vacillating left. Provocations
and incitements must be met with solidarity, joint fronts and, given the
current balance of forces, maintenance of peace. The Left everywhere,
through its statements and actions, must stand against efforts to socially
isolate Muslims.

But more long term questions also remain. Activists at the frontlines of
organising initiatives will have to work determinedly to strengthen working
class unity, against those who equate religion and nation. Workers and
peasants must realise that genuine emancipation will only come through a
politics of class unity and a secular democratic public culture. Often this
will mean confronting efforts to paint organising activity as
anti-national. But any hesitation on the issues of secularism and
communalism today will damage the long run task of building a progressive
working class movement. The lie, already finding wide circulation, that
this is a balanced judgment must be defeated a thousand times. Skills and
analysis in the academy, professions and elsewhere must coalesce into
efforts to defeat the gathering consensus.

The immediate prospects on all these fronts are bleak. The Hindu Right is
well organised in all these arenas. For some considerable time this will be
a seemingly losing battle. We are in a period of what Gramsci called ‘war
of position’. Only by standing steadfastly for our key principles – a just,
dignified and equal order for all – and supplementing them with a long term
strategy, does any hope for the future exist.

10 November 2019
Peace Is Doable

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