T M Krishna has here, undoubtedly, spoken on behalf of a whole host of
people who had traditionally fought against the Congress and its policies
-- for years and decades -- and yet find themselves now irresistibly on the
side of the (magical?) Yatra.
But, beyond that, he has also made a few wonderful observations and
powerfully flagged the completely unfamiliar and new model of politics that
Rahul Gandhi is striving to offer via this Yatra.
Perhaps that also helps to give it a touch of magic.

<<The Bharat Jodo Yatra began on September 7 in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu.
Just before the long walk, there was a small prayer meeting at the Gandhi
Mandapam in which some of my students sang multi-faith hymns. Ever since
then, I have followed the Yatra as it travelled through Kerala, Karnataka,
Maharashtra and onward. Civil society members like myself grappled with the
question of our participation in it. The Yatra is led by Rahul Gandhi and
organised by the Indian National Congress. Does our participation mean we
subscribe to the Congress ideology in its entirety? Does it strip us of our
political independence? Will it affect people’s perception of us?

But, right from the outset, it was clear that this was not a campaign
rally. The messaging was inarguably universal, welcoming and non-exclusive.
It was an invitation to everyone who believed in a democratic and secular
India. A call to all to awaken from moral stupor. India’s dangerously steep
downward political curve that has normalised hate has to be arrested.
Hence, it is imperative that we participate in any movement that calls for
social embrace and conscientious action. Rahul must be applauded for
walking the talk. If we do not join the Yatra, we are failing the nation
and, above that, betraying our conscience.

Liberal intellectuals, who have been critical of the Congress and its
dependence on its ‘first family’, have been asking for the collapse of the
Congress’s present framework. But that does not mean one needs to
trivialise what is a genuine exercise in nation-building. Their ignoring
the Yatra is as unacceptable as the BJP-dominated media keeping it out of
the news.

I joined the Yatra for an afternoon in Agar, Madhya Pradesh, in early
December, just a day before it crossed over into Rajasthan. The atmosphere
radiated positivity and happiness. Though there were hardened Congress
supporters who just wanted to catch a glimpse of Rahul or get a picture
with him, there were also many who participated because of what the ‘walk’
signified. An act of coming together that dissolved our differences, even
if only for a morning or an afternoon. This was evident in the little
stories of coming together and the need for harmony that members of the
public shared with Rahul as we walked. There was not an iota of hate or
negativity toward any person, political outfit or community. No hateful
sloganeering. The large embrace of the fast-moving Yatra was beautiful. I
also heard how people from a village in Maharashtra felt that communal
tensions had subsided during the days the Yatra passed through their region.
Rahul’s demeanour and accessibility has certainly contributed to the warmth
that is overflowing in the Yatra. Despite the many pulls and pushes from
people, he not only remained calm, but more importantly listened to every
single person he came across respectfully. A person of the Islamic faith
tried breaking through the cordon. When the security stopped him
forcefully, his cap fell off. Rahul asked that he be let through and helped
to find and retrieve that symbol of his faith. These little acts of
kindness were wonderful to witness. They may not mean anything in the
larger scheme of things, but when we discuss political leadership, goodness
of heart must matter.

...It was evident that he has realised that cultural transformation is at
the core of inculcating democratic values. For too long now, we have
neglected cultural realisations, dialogues and habits. It is not enough for
us to recognise that we are a deeply divided society and put systems in our
Constitution that address this issue. This needs to be translated into
collective public action, education, and celebration. I believe that the
Bharat Jodo Yatra can be the first step in this direction.

Columnists and political opponents will want to measure the Yatra’s
success. It may not translate into votes for the Congress. For this to
translate into anything fruitful for the party, there is a need for serious
changes within. But I wonder if the Congress is ready to accept this new
form of politics initiated by Rahul. A politics that is not trapped purely
in electoral gains and challenges hierarchies within its leadership. Will
an empowered younger generation and a vocal Congress worker be able to push
back the ‘old guard’?

Even in larger society, this Yatra may not result in immediate results. But
the nature of the discourse that it has triggered is in itself a paradigm
shift. For too long, our politics has been offensive, in both senses of the
word. To forge ahead with a politics of grace when we are surrounded by
shouting, chest-thumping, vulgarity and reactionary abuse is indeed
admirable. Rahul, through this Yatra, has provided a more compassionate and
delicate political discourse. Walking together with people and taking them
along for as long as they want is a beautiful act of togetherness. A
collective movement of the mind and heart.>>

(Excerpted from: <

II. Yatra in Dausa: <
Watch till end.
Chaotic and spontaneous.
That's what makes it magical?

Peace Is Doable

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