[While the author is known to have  vigorous scholarly engagement with the
state, over a period of 53 years, and hence his (remarkably rich and
detailed) views -- reproduced below -- are extremely noteworthy, one must,
however, not miss that beyond its specificities the latest development in
the state is also an inalienable part of the fast evolving complex (and
somewhat bewildering) national tapestry.
It pretty much impacts the national scenario while, in turn, being impacted
by the latter.

A highly enlightening and enriching analysis of the poll outcome, as long
as we keep that rider in mind.]


Karnataka: A Potentially Historic Election

The election has set in motion two potential changes to the fundamentals of
that state’s politics. If either or both become lasting realities, the
Congress Party stands to benefit.

author James Manor

D.K. Shivakumar, Mallikarjun Kharge and Siddaramaiah. Photo:
Twitter/@khargeD.K. Shivakumar, Mallikarjun Kharge and Siddaramaiah. Photo:

The Karnataka election may eventually be seen as a watershed. It has set in
motion two potential changes to the fundamentals of that state’s politics.
If either or both become lasting realities, the Congress Party stands to
benefit. The first, in southern districts (old Mysore), affects inter-party
competition. The second, in northern and central districts, affects the
social underpinnings of politics.

One other important change was the decline in damaging interventions in
state politics by national leaders of Congress, alongside an increase in
the BJP.  Both trends are likely to continue over the longer term – again
to the benefit of Congress.

The election result was a startling reversal for the BJP.  The highest ever
voter turnout yielded 135 seats for Congress in an assembly of 224. The BJP
won only 66 and the Janata Dal (Secular) [JD(S)] 19. This is the largest
majority since 1989. It ensures that the BJP will not succeed in its
customary effort to wrest power by enticing ruling party legislators to
defect. Twelve BJP ministers were defeated. Let us consider the two
potentially historic changes that occurred.

Southern districts: Changing party competition

For decades, the main battle in this region has been between Congress and
the JD(S), with the BJP finding it difficult to make gains because its main
backers, the Lingayats, are present here only in pockets (some of which are
sizeable). The 19 seats that the JD(S) won this time marked a serious
decline from its totals over the last four state elections of 37, 40, 28
and 58. It suffered from defections by leaders who were angry with the
autocratic ways of H.D. Deve Gowda’s family, from embarrassing squabbles
within the family, and from limited campaigning by the visibly aging Deve
Gowda, now aged 90. If his health continues to decline, or if he passes
from the scene, the JD(S) will no longer have an iconic figure and a man
who can quell strife within the family. Congress will meanwhile intensify
its appeal to the Vokkaligas, the core base of the JD(S).

So the decline of the JD(S) is likely to continue. That would fundamentally
change party competition here, and Congress would have a lasting
opportunity to reap greater rewards.

H.D. Revanna, Deve Gowda and H.D. Kumaraswamy. Photos: Facebook, PTI
Collage: The Wire

Northern and central districts: A fundamental shift in parties’ social
bases has begun

The thumping victory of Congress occurred because, alongside gains from the
JD(S) in the south, it captured many seats in rural maidan (plains)
constituencies of northern and central Karnataka where elections are won
and lost.

As Nilanjan Sarkar has noted, in rural areas, Congress increased its strike
rate – the percentage of seats won divided by seats contested – from 35% in
2018 to 55% this time. Its strike rates in these crucial northern and
central areas were higher: 66% in Bombay/Kittur Karnataka, 61%
Kalyani/Hyderabad Karnataka, and 75% in central districts. (The rate in
southern Karnataka was a healthy 62%, after only 29% in 2018.)

Its success in northern and central districts was a result of a crucial
change: the BJP’s social base has begun to fragment.

Since the 1990s, the BJP in those areas has drawn heavily upon not just one
but two social groups: the Lingayats, of whom we hear much, but also
ritually left-hand Dalits. (In South India, all castes are divided by a
left/right split.) Right-hand Dalits have long mostly backed Congress.This
time, CSDS-Lokniti found that Lingayat support for the BJP dipped to 56%,
with 29-30% going to Congress. This is no trivial change, but it is not yet
decisive.  More important was the 63% of Dalit votes across the state which
went to Congress. Most of those came from the right-hand group, but such a
high percentage had to include many left-hand Dalits, a serious concern for
the BJP in northern and central areas. With its AHINDA message – a Kannada
acronym indicating policies to benefit disadvantaged groups – Congress also
won support from OBCs, Adivasis (a small group in Karnataka), and a solid
consolidation of the Muslim vote, much of which had previously gone to the

The AHINDA strategy closely resembles that of D. Devaraj Urs in the 1970s,
which broke the dominance of state politics by the Lingayats and
Vokkaligas. Urs stressed to this writer that those two landed groups
contained many impoverished voters, and in his two state election
victories, he received support from some of them. AHINDA today has even
greater appeal among them because many landholdings have shrunk because
inheritances have led to sub-divisions. The election result appears to
confirm the findings of a pre-poll survey by Eedina, partly crafted by
Yogendra Yadav. It indicated that less prosperous members of all caste
groups responded well to AHINDA and Congress.Taken together, these results
– especially among Lingayats and Dalits – provide much of the explanation
for the remarkable Congress gains in the crucial northern and central
districts, where Lingayats are mostly concentrated.

The reasons for these changes are complex, and they are not all about
caste.  The dismal performance of the BJP state government mattered
greatly, here as everywhere. The five promises to disadvantaged groups
stressed by Congress proved more persuasive even to some less prosperous
members of the landed castes than the BJP’s focus on Hindutva, national
themes and Modi. Congress proposals to address unemployment were especially
important because it was the biggest issue for 30% of CSDS-Lokniti
respondents – sharply up from only 3% in 2018.  That issue was especially
important to rural voters who decide election outcomes. Unprecedented
factional strife within the BJP, and its sidelining of party veterans –
including some key Lingayats – damaged it. Some left-hand Dalits may have
changed sides after Mallikarjun Kharge was elected national Congress
president – even though he comes from the right-hand group.

Whatever the causes, this change undermined the BJP’s core base in a way
that poses a longer term problem for the party. That and the huge scale of
the Congress victory suggest that this election result may not be just the
latest in the familiar alternation of parties in power in a state where no
ruling party has been re-elected since 1985. If Congress can retain its
gains while the BJP cannot regain lost ground among Lingayats and left-hand
Dalits, this could herald a lasting realignment of social forces.

That would lock the BJP out of South India, in state but not national
elections. Achieving it will be a challenge.  But the BJP will not recover
unless its national leaders stop intervening in the state in ways that
damage their party. On recent evidence, this is unlikely since they do not
comprehend the destruction and therefore see no need to change course.

Damaging interventions by parties’ national leaders

On many occasions over the years, the Congress in Karnataka has suffered
badly from destructive interventions by the party high command. Seriously
inept leaders have been put in charge of the Provincial Congress Committee,
and have been named as overseers of state election campaigns.  Woefully
incompetent people have actually been re-nominated in both roles, because
the high command did not understand how wretchedly they had performed.This
problem has now been solved, thanks in large part to Mallikarjun Kharge’s
election as national Congress president. He is a strong, intelligent leader
who understands what is needed in the state’s politics, and the difference
between adroit and bungling politicians who might play important roles.
This is a further reason for Congress to be optimistic about future gains.

By contrast, the BJP now suffers from the old Congress problem, mightily
damaging intrusions from its high command. Since 2014, both the party and
the government have been utterly dominated by Narendra Modi. In radically
centralising power, he has surpassed even Indira Gandhi – the prime
minister he most resembles. State-level units of the party have suffered
grievously as a result.

During state election campaigns, Modi and Amit Shah have dictated the
themes to emphasise – in this election, in Karnataka in 2018, in Bihar in
2015, etc. They impose topics that state-level BJP activists know to be
unpromising, and refuse to listen to state-level leaders with greater
knowledge. Activists in four states have complained to this writer about
this for years.Top BJP leaders have such confidence in their vast advantage
in campaign funds that they assume that they need not listen. At the 2019
Lok Sabha election, it had 18 times more money to spend that all other
parties combined, and the disparity has increased since then.  And yet in
Karnataka this time – as in roughly 70% of state elections since 1980 – the
party with more money has lost.  Money does not decide Indian
elections.Those same leaders also have such enormous confidence in their
own wisdom and in Modi’s impact as an orator that they assume victory is
assured. His speeches during this campaign focused almost entirely on his
vision, his troubles, and national-level issues and events in which he
plays the central role. He ignored state-level concerns which, as surveys
show, mattered to voters – and which Congress stressed.  On several
occasions, he never mentioned the BJP chief minister and said little about
the state government. All of this was ill judged. Rahul Gandhi hit home
when he told the prime minister that “this election is not about you”.

Modi and Shah also stored up problems for their party – in Karnataka and
elsewhere – by using inducements to wrest power by toppling the
opposition’s state governments. That turns the BJP into a battleground for
faction fights between turncoats and loyalists, but the national leaders’
voracious appetite for power at all costs keeps such power seizures
happening. These conflicts become acute when tickets for elections are
distributed. Such hostilities did severe damage to the party at this
election. So did national BJP leaders’ imposition of new, unpromising
candidates to their liking.The most important intrusion from on high was
the sustained, multi-faceted campaign of communal polarization over the
last three years. This relentless effort, aimed at turning Karnataka into a
version of Uttar Pradesh, overlooked hard-line Hindutva’s inability to gain
traction in the state, over many decades. Multiple surveys indicated that
voters were concerned about other things: poor public services, poverty and
especially unemployment. Communal issues mattered only in places where they
have always found some support – a few urban centres and the small,
socially eccentric coastal belt.  And even on the coast – long a BJP
bastion – the party lost ground in one of the three districts.

As the campaign reached its peak, the prime minister’s speeches became
rather strange and misjudged.  A cooked up fiction about how two
non-existent Vokkaligas had killed Tipu Sultan triggered a protest from the
Adichunchanagiri swamiji, Vokkaligas’ premier religious leader. Modi’s call
for voters to say “Jai Bajrang Bali” as they cast their ballots left most
people bewildered, and fell flat. He then accused Congress of consorting
with terrorists. More bewilderment followed. Voters know Congress well.
They may like it, hate it or be bored by it, but few believe that it has
terrorist links. Then Modi claimed that Congress might take Karnataka out
of the Indian union. This writer has studied the state for 53 years, and he
has never heard any politician or citizen suggest that Congress favoured
secession. This bizarre claim raises serious concerns that, as an orator,
the prime minister is losing his touch.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Photo: Twitter/@BSBommai

Alongside these intrusions, one non-intrusion by Modi proved deeply
damaging. It had to do with corruption. An astonishing 41% of the BJP’s own
supporters told CSDS-Lokniti that it had increased. The Prime Minister once
claimed that the previous Congress state government was demanding 10% in
bribes from contractors.  That set the BJP up for a huge embarrassment when
it took power in 2019 and began asking for a whopping 40%. And then his
complacent inaction in response to the controversy made the scandal far
more public and excruciating.

It went like this.  In November 2021, the Karnataka State Contractors
Association which included many BJP supporters wrote to the Prime Minister
complaining about requests for 40% kickbacks.  He did not reply.  Four
months later, they sent similar protests to the Chief Minister and
Governor.  Still, nothing changed.  In April 2022, a contractor hanged
himself after a minister demanded 40%.  The Association’s complaints
continued and another letter to Modi went unanswered.  In March 2023, as
election campaigning began, the Association linked its 40% grievance to the
government’s failure to release Rs. 22,000 crores, as contracts
stipulated.  They threatened to protest at every district headquarters and
the Chief Minister’s residence.  Modi offered no response and took no
action.This occurred partly because, despite his supposed omnipotence and
his stated abhorrence of corruption, he lacked the power to solve the
problem.  But it was also an indication of his complacency — his belief
that with his charisma, vastly superior campaign funds, and control of the
media, he could get away with anything. That belief was apparent in his
campaigning in Karnataka, and he and his party suffered damage as a result.

Congress and what comes next

Now that it has been freed of damaging interventions by its high command,
Congress has an opportunity to exploit the opportunities offered by the
potentially historic changes in northern and central, and in southern
districts. Its election campaign suggests that it has just might succeed. The
campaign gained momentum from Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Yatra. Jairam
Ramesh has noted that Congress won in 15 of the 20 constituencies through
which it passed, and the party’s vote share there was twice its state-wide
average. During the campaign, the party contained the rivalry between
Siddaramaiah and his Vokkaliga rival, D.K. Shivakumar – and between their
supporters. It stressed voters’ most acute concerns and made credible
promises to address them – in ways that minimised tensions between
Siddaramaiah’s AHINDA strategy and the party’s appeal to more prosperous
groups.  To seize its opportunities, Congress must now govern well. It must
not get off to a slow start as it did during Siddaramaiah’s first spell in
power after 2013. But its much improved performance in his latter years in
office suggests that both he and his party have learned that lesson.

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