
I have tried experimenting, but have been unable to figure out how to get
the proper font to appear on the initial letter. I called both size fonts

\font\initialfont="/Users/admin/Library/Fonts/GaramondPremrPro.otf" at 36pt
\font\initialfont="/Users/admin/Library/Fonts/GaramondPremrPro.otf" at 12pt

and put the relevant font size number in the greinitialformat

{\fontsize{36}{36}\selectfont #1}%

Do I need to change something further in this script to get it to print the
36pt otf font?

How would I redefine the \greitalic?

Thanks for your help.


bro. Innocent

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 3:16 AM, Elie Roux <elie.r...@telecom-bretagne.eu>wrote:

> Innocent Smith a écrit :
>  Dear Gregorio-users,
>> I am trying to use an otf font with luaotfload. I managed to get the
>> font to work with the main text of the chant, but it does not work for
>> the initial character. Also, the italicized "T.P." at the end of the
>> score appears to be in a different font than the rest of the chant.
>> The gabc score directs for that to be italicized with "<i>T.P.</i>"
>> Any suggestions?
> Hello,
> an .otf font has just one size and one type (regular, italic, bold, etc.).
> If you want it at a bigger size, you have to load it at a bigger size:
> \font\initialfont = myfont.otf at 43pt
> and then use it in \greinitialformat. Idem for italic, you have to open
> \font\initialfont = myitalicfont.otf
> and then redefine \greitalic to use this font. Alternatively, if you want a
> real integration with LaTeX (luaotfload is quite low-level), you will be
> interested in fontspec, which does everything automatically.
> Thank you,
> --
> Elie
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