
Can anyone tell me why the following gabc code gives a fully-justified new line 
after "In Manus"?  I have, after all, typed 'z' and not 'z.'!

I am getting "et Spirítui Sancto.  In manus." justified across an entire line.  
What am I doing wrong?

Many thanks in advance,

% !TEX TS-program = gregorio
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8
% The first part of the score is called the header, you can input some useful 
informations here:
name: In manus tuas (Per Annum);
office-part: Responsorium breve;
occasion: Dominica ad Completorium;
date: 1913;
book: Vesperale Romanum;
transcriber: Mark Miles;
transcription-date: 2011;
mode: 6;
annotation: VI.;
commentary: Per Annum, Responsorium breve.;
In(f) ma(f)nus(f) tu(fg)as(g) Dó(gf)mi(g)ne,(gh) *(;)
Com(h)mén(f)do(gh) spí(g)ri(fd)tum(fg) me(g)um.(f) (::)
In(f) ma(f)nus.(f) (::)
<sp>V/</sp>. Re(h)de(h)mí(ixhi)sti(h) nos(h) Dó(gh)mi(g)ne,(g) (,)
De(h)us(g) ve(g)ri(gf)tá(g)tis.(gh) *(::)
Com(h)mén(f)do.(gh) (::)
<sp>V/</sp>. Gló(h)ri(h)a(h) Pa(ixhi)tri,(h) (,)
et(h) Fí(gh)li(g)o,(g) et(g) Spí(g)ri(h)tu(g)i(f) San(g)cto.(gh) (::)
In(f) ma(f)nus.(f) (::) (z)
<sp>V/</sp>. Cus[<sp>R/</sp>. Sub](f)
tó[umbra](f)di(f) nos[a-](f) Dó[lá-](f)mi[rum](f)ne(f) ut[tuárum](f)
pu(f)píl(f)lam[pró-](f) ó[tege](f)cu(f)li.[nos.](efvEDCded) (::)
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