Sorry, I forgot to mention: I have revamped the "system" command and 
added a new command, "estimate", so that one can define an equation 
system then estimate it using various methods.

I'm attaching the latest revision of the gretl demo file klein.inp, 
which provides an example of how this works.

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
# Klein's "Model 1" (1950)
open klein.gdt
genr W = Wp + Wg
genr A = t - 1931
genr P1 = P(-1)
genr X1 = X(-1)
# Equation-by-equation OLS
ols C 0 P P1 W 
ols I 0 P P1 K1
ols Wp 0 X X1 A
# Equation-by-equation TSLS
tsls C 0 P P1 W ; 0 G T A Wg P1 K1 X1
tsls I 0 P P1 K1 ; 0 G T A Wg P1 K1 X1
tsls Wp 0 X X1 A ; 0 G T A Wg P1 K1 X1
# Now set the model up as a system
system name="Klein Model 1"
 equation C 0 P P1 W 
 equation I 0 P P1 K1
 equation Wp 0 X X1 A
 identity P = X - T - Wp
 identity W = Wp + Wg
 identity X = C + I + G
 endog C I Wp P W X
end system
# and estimate it in various ways
estimate "Klein Model 1" method=3sls
estimate "Klein Model 1" method=fiml
estimate "Klein Model 1" method=liml

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