Ok, I figured out the problem.

I had modified the x12arima.sh script to install "x12a" in /usr/bin, and 
I discovered that in order to get x-12-arima to work from within gretl, 
one must have two things:

1. For some reason gretl requires the existance of the directory 
$HOME/gretl/x12arima, x-12--arima won't work without it, and it is 
independent of the user directory.

2. Under File->Preferences->General->Programs, you must specify the full 
path to the x12a executable.

Shortly gretl will be available for all users of Sorcerer Linux, thanks 
Prof. Cottrell for all of the excellent hard work.


Robert Tischer wrote:

> I am building gretl for use in the Sorcerer Linux distribution and 
> have no problems except when I try to use x-12-arima, I get the
> pop-up.
> I've tested x-12-arima using the examples provided and it works fine. 
> What could I be missing?
> Thanks,
> Rob
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