El Jueves, 24 de Marzo de 2005 16:50, Angelo Secchi escribió:
> Hi,
> sorry again but I did not find any info on this issue in the standard
> documentation. While playing around with gretl I tried the  x-12-arima
> analyses. It seems correctly installed since I can use it from the
> shell (also I followed suggestions in a previous message in this list).
> However, inside gretl I do get the x12arima pop-up but also an error
> add_series_from_file() failed
> Where should I look in order to solve this problem? Is it concerned with
> the .spc file needed with x12a? Or something else?
> Hope not to bother the list too much today.
> Angelo

the same is happening with the tramo plugin, I think it is a bug inserted in 
version 1.3.3. I am sure Allin will solve this when he can. 

Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
Dpto. de Economía Aplicada III (Econometría y Estadística)

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