On Mon, 11 May 2009, Sebastiano Putoto wrote:

> Dear Gretl users,
> I know my question may seem (it actually is) very banal, but I can't figure 
> out a way to check if two matrices are equal.
> The point is verifying idempotence and symmetry for an orthogonal projector. 
> The mathematical proof isn't required here: the point is showing that the 
> actual calculated
> matrices are orthogonal projectors and therefore have the specified 
> properties; I got to show the numbers are the same. And apart from arbitrary 
> extraction of submatrices to
> prove they get out same, I can't think of anything 'scientific'.
> Hope you will be able to help me with the matter.
> Regards,

How about

    check = sumc(sumr(abs(mat1-mat2))) < 1.0e-07

or something similar?

Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche


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