> Fri, 2009/9/4 Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)wfu.edu>
> It's probably better to use an absolute path for this file.
> That is, change these two lines in oxdpd.inp:
> store abdata.csv ->
>  store @dotdir/abdata.csv
> dpd.Load("abdata.csv"); ->
>  dpd.Load("@dotdir/abdata.csv");

I'd installed the new snapshot and now the script is working fine (without
changing the lines in oxdpd.inp).

Thanks a lot!


Fri, 2009/9/4 Allin Cottrell <cottr...@wfu.edu>

It's probably better to use an absolute path for this file.
That is, change these two lines in oxdpd.inp:

store abdata.csv ->
 store @dotdir/abdata.csv

dpd.Load("abdata.csv"); ->

I'd installed the new snapshot and now the script is working fine (without changing the lines in oxdpd.inp).

Thanks a lot!


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