Dear Ignacio and Riccardo!

Thank you for your help! I understand now what the problem was!
The script is now: 

loop 10 --progressive
   loop 10000
       genr u = normal()
       genr u2 = round(u)
   genr a = mean(u)
   genr b = sd(u)
   genr a2 = mean(u2)
   genr b2 =sd(u2)
   store xxx.gdt a b a2 b2

First I put the "--progressive" to the wrong loop.
The only problem is that this was a bit slow, with 10/10000 it took about 15 
But as I awaited: the standard deviation of the rounded series is about 4% 
higher than that of the original one.

Once again, if anybody knows papers about this topic, please let me know (I 
hardly found any).

Thanks again!


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