My name is Dorian, I'm trying to estimate the data of a double bounded  
dichotomous choice (contingent valuation) thanks to a maximum  
likelihood estimation with a linear specification (From E. Flachaire).  
But when I put the command, then GRETL gives several errors messages  
as "missing values found". I think the model may not be specified for  
linear. But it is strange because when I put initial values quite high  
(5) then it converges but I don't know if results are "possible". May  
someone help me? Here is the code

genr alpha=3
genr sigma=1
series Pnn=1/(1+exp(-(BID2-alpha)/sigma))
series Pyy=1-1/(1+exp(-(BID2-alpha)/sigma))
params alpha sigma

And attached you have the results if I set the initial values at 5.

Thank you very much !!


Docteur en Sciences Economiques
Chercheur (associé) en Economie de l'Energie et de l'Environnement

Research Associate in Economics (PhD), specialized in  
Energy/Environment, Green
Electricity, and pro-ecological decisions

Laboratory LASER-CREDEN (Energy Economics Institute)
Faculté des Sciences Economiques CS 79606
34960 Montpellier Cedex 2 -- FRANCE
Tel : (office) 00 33 (0)4 67 15 83 32
       (mobile) 00 33 (0)6 89 15 15 74
E-mail : dorian.litvine(a)univ-montp1.fr / dorian.litvine(a)gmail.com
CREDEN website: www.creden.univ-montp1.fr

Attachment: estimation2offresavecrevenlinaire_valeursleves.rtf
Description: MS-Word document

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