On Thu, 22 Oct 2009, [iso-8859-1] Javier Garc�a wrote:

> Nowadays the fractional methods are more and more used, and as
> Gretl has implemented the ADF and ADF-GLS tests, I think it
> would be very interesting to complement them with the fractional
> version of the Dickey Fuller test (Dolado, Gonzalo and Mayoral
> -Econometrica, 2002 & Studies in Nonlinear Studies and
> Econometrics 2008-; and Lobato and Velasco -Econometrica,
> 2007-).

> Have anybody programed it?

Not that I know of.

> I have some routines, but there are in R and they are quite
> "rudimentary". Hovewer, if you are interested in this test I
> could pass you my routines so as you can review and implement if
> you want.

You're welcome to send the R code and we can see about
implementing it in gretl (though I'm not promising it'll happen
right away).  Another (perhaps better) option would be to write
and submit a gretl function package that does the job.  See
Chapter 10 of the Gretl User's Guide, section 10.6 in particular.

Allin Cottrell

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