Giorgio Gozzi schrieb:
> Hi everone.. I am recently trying to use and learn GRETL..I need
> help..when i try  to confront the sign of the return of the time series
> of index FTSEMIB with the sign of the time series of the returns of
> every of the of every of its 40 elementary members. In order to count
> how many times there is an agreement between the sign of each return and
> that one of index FTSEMIB.
> I wanted to resolve the problem using the function SIGN  but such
> function lacks in the directory of Gretl.
> I will be very pleased to have some suggestion to this issue.


series myproduct = series1 * series2
series nonnegprod = (myproduct >= 0)

should work I hope. (I.e., a boolean condition in parentheses should
produce a dummy series indicating where the condition is true.)


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