On Mon, 19 Apr 2010, yinung at Gmail wrote:

> Thanks, Allin
> 2010/4/19 Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)wfu.edu>
> >
> >  If I run your script as modified I get a "test" value of
> > 1.665e-16, which doesn't seem like a problem. What are you seeing?
> >
> > Allin
> > _______________________________________________
> >
> This is what I got (the script is attached in the bottom of this mail). The
> difference is quiet large. test = -0.108229


> <script>
> nulldata 10
> set seed 89675430
> series u=normal()
> series y=(u>0)
> series x = uniform()
> probit y const x
> scalar lnL=$lnl
> probit y const
> scalar lnL0=$lnl
> # McFadden R-squared as in Greene's Econometric Analysis
> scalar McR2= 1-lnL/lnL0
> scalar McR2_gretl = $rsq # added
> scalar test = McR2_gretl - McR2 # added
> </script>

You need to save "McR2_gretl" before estimating the constant-only
model, as in the version I showed.


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