On Wed, 21 Apr 2010, Kristyna Pokorna wrote:

> I'd need to use Prais-Winsten model (Panel Corrected Standard
> Errors, PSCE) as in my panel data set there are only few
> countries included compared to the length of the time series.
> Therefore the model preset in gretl (model described by Arellano
> and Bond) is not appropriate. Please, is it possible to invoke
> the PSCE estimator in gretl? If it is possible, please could you
> give some instructions what should be done?

At present Beck-Katz standard errors are available only when the
estimator is OLS or fixed effects. We may generalize this, but
right now you'd have to compute PCSE via a script. If the panel is
balanced this would be quite easy using gretl's matrix
functionality, but it would be ugly for an unbalanced panel.

Allin Cottrell

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