Dear all,


I have installed the X-12-ARIMA filter and changed the path names in Gretl
so that this should be ok. When I would like to run the X-12ARIMA I always
get the following error message:


'Couldn't open C:\Users\Smith


Where USOPRI04H is the series name. Could somebody help me? 



Dear all,


I have installed the X-12-ARIMA filter and changed the path names in Gretl so that this should be ok. When I would like to run the X-12ARIMA I always get the following error message:


‘Couldn't open C:\Users\Smith Peter\AppData\Roaming\gretl\x12arima\USOPRI04H.d11’


Where USOPRI04H is the series name. Could somebody help me?



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