On Sun, 9 May 2010, Pindar wrote:

> I guess there is a small bug: I can only copy the output of a
> quantile reg as plain text, all other formats crush.

You should be able to copy quantile regression output in all
formats when the specification gives a single value of tau.
LaTeX output is not supported when multiple values of tau are
given, but that non-support was not properly registered in the
GUI. That is now fixed in CVS (i.e. the LaTeX option will not
appear in the copy or save menus).

> More important is my question, whether it would be possible to
> add the deviance goodness of fit measure to all non linear
> models?

We already report the likelihood ratio test relative to the
constant-only model for most (all? I'm not sure) ML estimators.
What would you do differently?

Allin Cottrell

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