Yes, that's the problem.  The three observations for one choice set 
differ by an experimental design.  Maybe this would be something that 
should be added to gretl since many economists work with this type of 

On 5/17/2010 8:29 AM, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> Data Analytics Corp. schrieb:
>> Hi Sven,
>> Thanks for the advice, but the problem for a stated preference discrete
>> choice model is that estimation depends on the choice sets seen by the
>> individuals.  Say each individual sees a choice set with three
>> alternatives.  The estimation routine needs to know the three and which
>> of the three was selected.  STATA allows this.  I don't see that here.
> Well if the three alternatives are different from one observation to the
> next (why are they always three then, though?), this is beyond me,
> sorry. Probably not doable in gretl (apart from programming it up
> yourself with gretl's scripting language, of course...).
> good luck,
> sven


Walter R. Paczkowski, Ph.D.
Data Analytics Corp.
44 Hamilton Lane
Plainsboro, NJ 08536
(V) 609-936-8999
(F) 609-936-3733

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