On Sat, 5 Jun 2010, artur bala wrote:

> I want to create 5 times-series plot sequently using the "gnuplot"
> command into a loop.
> When I execute the loop commands one by one in gretl's console, gretl
> comes up with 5 graphs, but when I run the script as a whole, gretl only
> makes 5 .plt files. Is something wrong with that? How can I manage to
> have my graphs from the script?

Use the --output="display" option. Example:

open AWM.gdt

loop foreach i YER YEN PCR
     gnuplot $i time --with-lines --output="display"
end loop

Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche


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