On Thu, 17 Jun 2010, Sven Schreiber wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to get the estimates from a restricted logit model.
> Here's roughly what I mean to do (except it's not working the way I want):
> <script>
> open greene12_1
> logit selfemp age income const
> matrix unrestricted = $coeff
> restrict
>    b[age]=1
> end restrict
> matrix restricted = $coeff
> unrestricted
> restricted
> </script>
> I also tried the "--full" option for the restrict block, but that just
> gives me errors.
> Is there a way in gretl to get restricted logit estimates? (without
> manually coding it, I mean)

There isn't. With a bit of work, the --full option could be extended to 
logit/probit models. However, why should we? Let me explain: in the case 
of logit/probit models, the situation is very different if your constraint 
is homogeneous or not. (Just to establish notation: you would like to 
estimate a vector \beta under the constraint R\beta = d. If d zero?)

If it is, estimating the restricted model is trivial, because it 
just implies re-defining the regressors, so that poses no problem and the 
--full option is not really needed. (Example: x1*b1 + x2*b2, under the 
constraint b1=b2 becomes (x1+x2)*b1; easy)

If d is NOT zero (like in your example), then it isn't clear to me why you 
would want to test such a constraint, since the \beta vector in 
logit/probit models is identified up to a scale factor, which is why 
everyone uses the arbitrary convention of setting \sigma^2 to 1.

In other terms, in this context it makes sense to compare the relative 
magnitude of coefficients, but (if I'm not mistaken) a hypothesis on their 
absolute value does not.

Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche


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