Le 01/09/2010 19:15, Allin Cottrell a écrit :
> On Wed, 1 Sep 2010, artur bala wrote:
>> I noticed a strange behaviour while using the albanian translation: when
>> one wants to clear the Model table through the pop-up menu, the Table
>> icon simply disappears.
> Ah, gretl was getting confused by the fact that in the Albanian
> translation the msgstrs for "Clear" and "Delete" are the same:
> "Fshij".
Ah, that's OK! :-)
> I don't know if there's a linguistic distinction of this sort to
> be made in Albanian,
Yes, there is (clear vs delete) but in this context I thought it may be 

> but in English "Delete" mean to get rid of an
> object, while "Clear" means to empty it, remove its contents.
...the "model table" means a table with rows, columns, cells and lines, 
but also a kind of whiteboard where the models are written into a 
structured form.
The whiteboard being erasable (erase = delete=remove but also = efface) 
I prefered the same word ("Fshij") which is commun for both meaning 
(whiteboard and table)

Thank you a bunch, Allin

Artur BALA
Development Economist, Consultant

email:  artur.bala.tn(a)gmail.com
phone:  +216 24 71 00 80
skype:  artur.bala.tn

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