Thank you Allin, Sven and Berend for the responses.
Your suggestions helped me to solve the issue.


2010/10/3 Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)>:
> On Sun, 3 Oct 2010, Sven Schreiber wrote:
>> Am 03.10.2010 18:14, schrieb Berend Hasselman:
>> > According to the Gret reference manual (gretl 1.9.1,page 47) the
>> > function restr should be declared as
>> >
>> > function restr (const matrix b)
>> >
>> Actually I think the new function style would be
>> function matrix restr(...)
>> ...
>> return ret
>> end function
>> (that is, the return type of the function is stated right after
>> the 'function' keyword) Maybe the official example for the
>> nonlinear Wald test needs updating.
> You're right, the preferred form would be
>  function matrix restr (const matrix b)
> However the older form still works OK. The example given in the
> manual uses the new form, so no updating is required.
> Allin
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