On Fri, 22 Apr 2011, artur bala wrote:

> Dear Allin,
> I was asked by some colleagues of mine about the praying boy in the
> gretl's icon. What does it stand for? Is there any connection with some
> statistical issues?

It's a girl, Gretel, the Grimm character.

> Do you think a more, let's say, econometric-inspired icon will increase 
> the chances of gretl to get noticed?

I personally like very much the fact that gretl's logo has _nothing_ to do 
with econometrics and conveys a warm and gentle image rather than a cold, 
possibly pretentious, attempt to look "scientific" by scattering a few 
Greek letters here and there. I'd rather surprise a user by guaranteeing 
state-of-the-art speed and accuracy coupled with a fairytale character as 
a logo than the other way around.

There was some similar discussion on the user list a while back, you'll 
find it in the July 2006 archives.

Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche


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