I have used Stata and GRETL for univariate and multivariate time
series analyses. And today decided to share my opinion with the
community. I have concluded that GRETL is a reliable software for time
series analyses while Stata capabilities are still in development. An
example, Stata can estimate Vector Error Correction Models, however,
it can not provide estimates of the standard errors for the IRF's.
Therefore, I can not recommend Stata fot this type of analysis whereas
the opposite is true for GRETL.

In Stata, some time series estimators are written by users and then
down the road, the company incorporates them in the core software. An
example, rolling command for rolling regression. Other examples of
this practice, cusum and prais commands.

So, I would like to know some papers that compare the time series
capabilities of Stata and GRETL in order to have a better
understanding of the two softwares. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you,


Charles Koss

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