On 26-04-2011, at 14:57, Henrique Andrade wrote:

> 25 de abril de 2011 Allin escreveu:
> On Sun, 24 Apr 2011, Henrique Andrade wrote:
> > Recently I noticed that the Gretl updating procedure is a lit bit different.
> > In the past, all I needed was to drag the file Gretl.app (inside the
> > gretl-intel.dmg file) to my Applications folder. Now I need firstly to
> > delete the older version and then copy the new one to Applications folder.
> >
> > Now, if I try to update in the old way Mac OS/X tells me the file is blocked
> > and I have no permission to overwrite Gretl.app (I'm the only administrator
> > of my machine).
> >
> > Is this an expected behaviour?
> Well, it's what OS X now seems to do (at least part of the time).
> The gretl installer hasn't changed; the behavior of OS X has. If
> you can figure out how exactly OS X has changed in this respect
> (e.g. via google) perhaps we can find a workaround.
> As it may be a specific problem occuring here at my machine, I think
> the issue can be related with Mac OS X permissions on my Mac.
> In the next couple of days I will perform an Snow Leopard reinstallation
> (that I doon a regular annual basis just for keep a "clean system").
> As soon as I reinstall Gretl I'll report if the behaviour persists.

I also run Gretl on Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.7
Normally I use my own build of Gretl.
I first ran my own build and quit Gretl.
Then downloaded Allin's build and installed it (by dragging to /Applications).
Started Gretl without problems.
Quit Gretl and quit X11.

I tried to reinstall my own build and then got the message you have mentioned 
(some items are blocked).
I tried several times and kept getting the error message.

But the weird thing is you can delete Gretl.app from /Applications without any 
error message.
And then I installed my own Gretl without any further error messages.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is Finder getting confused about something or 
I vaguely remember seeing this happen with installing other applications.


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