El 29/04/11 20:37, Allin Cottrell escribió:
> OK, now in CVS and snapshots you can use any discrete variable,
> not just a 0/1 dummy, with gnuplot and the --dummy option.
> In the same line of business I've added a --factorized option for
> the boxplot command, and enhanced the GUI boxplot options (e.g.,
> on right-clicking a variable and selecting Boxplot).
> Allin

I have tried  the new factorized plot, an I am obtaining this error:

gnuplot PIB08 pob08 Cod_prov --dummy
set xrange [1.797693135e+308:1.797693135e+308]
"/home/ignacio/.gretl/gpttmp.XpUlk9", line 17: undefined value

Cod_prov is a variable with three integer values, that I marked as 
discrete in the "attributes" dialog. I must say I am obtaining this 
error when I work with a dataset formed by 431 variables. I prepared a 
dataset with only this three variables for sending to this list, but I 
surprisingly found that the command works OK for this small dataset.
PIB08 and pob08 are variables with rather "normal" values and without 
any missing.

By other side, I had no problem with the new "factorized boxplot" 
although using the large dataset.

Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza
UPV/EHU Avda. Lehendakari Aguirre, 83 | 48015 BILBAO
T.: +34 946013732 | F.: +34 946013754

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