1- I do not feel uncomfortable with the number of "methodological" 
messages that receives this list.

2- I understand that someone could prefer don't to receive such 
messages. A different and intermediate possibility to that discused 
until now may be to setup a "methods" topic for the list. The 'mailin' 
server allows for setting up different "topics" for the same list, so 
that the user can unsubscribe for the topic he/she is not interested in.
Each message from this topic will be labeled appropiately in the subject.

El 03/05/11 09:25, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti escribió:
> Over the years, I've seen several attempts at setting up public
> discussion places for debating econometrics at a professional level:
> mailing lists, forums, you name it. All have failed, for one reason or
> another. In my view, for a methods-related list to have success, you
> need to have two things happening: (1) keep it high-profile (2) keep it
> alive.
> In order to achieve (1), the list needs to be moderated, so messages
> with subject "What is this cointegration thing people keep talking
> about?" would be silently zapped before they see the light of day. But
> then, no-one subscribes to a list where a new subject appears once every
> four months, so ||: no-one subscribes, no-one answers, no-one posts :||
> (sorry for the musical notation).

3- This was exactly the experience with an "Econometria" list in 
Spanish, that I managed some years ago.

4- I do not vote now for creating a new list or a topic for this list, 
but I think we will need to monitor the traffic of this messages on the 
list to analyze the advisability to take any of this measures in the future.

Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza
UPV/EHU Avda. Lehendakari Aguirre, 83 | 48015 BILBAO
T.: +34 946013732 | F.: +34 946013754

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