
I'm trying to have a rapid way to output numbers to files, and wrote the

# A function to dump numbers to files:
function scalar to_file(scalar numb, string format, string filename)
    set echo off
    set messages off
    outfile filename --write
    printf format, numb
    outfile --close
    set echo on
    set messages on
    return 0
end function

which however doesn't work. By trying different specifications, I think
I have understood that the "filename" parameter of "outfile" and the
"format" parameter of "printf" cannot be variables, they are parsed
directly as strings by the interpreter.

Did I understand correctly?
Is there anything I can do to solve my problem?

I do not care too much, in the end, about "format", but if there is no
way to pass an arbitraray string to "outfile" I'm clearly trying
something stupid.

Thanks in advance


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