Allin, thank you very much, you said "This is now fixed in CVS". But
what is CVS, where is it??

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Qi Shi <qshi.17(a)> wrote:
> Thanks Allin and Jack very much.
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 12:23 AM, Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)> wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 Nov 2011, Allin Cottrell wrote:
>>> [I see that Jack Lucchetti has replied on this since I started writing, but
>>> I'll post it anyway; having two methods to look at might be useful.]
>> Here's one more variant for comparison: this is closer in
>> spirit to Qi Shi's original approach. Note the "orthog"
>> specification
>> orthog elist ; const
>> will not work right unless you're using current CVS.
>> <hansl>
>> open pricing.gdt
>> set force_hc on
>> scalar delta=0.5
>> scalar gamma=0.5
>> series dcg = delta*cons^(-gamma)
>> list elist = null
>> series e0 = dcg*(1+rf)-1
>> elist = e0
>> loop j=1..10
>>   series e$j = dcg*(rf-r$j)
>>   elist += e$j
>> endloop
>> matrix V0=I(11)
>> gmm
>>     dcg = delta*cons^(-gamma)
>>     e0 = dcg*(1+rf)-1
>>     e1 = dcg*(rf-r1)
>>     e2 = dcg*(rf-r2)
>>     e3 = dcg*(rf-r3)
>>     e4 = dcg*(rf-r4)
>>     e5 = dcg*(rf-r5)
>>     e6 = dcg*(rf-r6)
>>     e7 = dcg*(rf-r7)
>>     e8 = dcg*(rf-r8)
>>     e9 = dcg*(rf-r9)
>>     e10 = dcg*(rf-r10)
>>     orthog elist ; const
>>     weights V0
>>     params delta gamma
>> end gmm
>> </hansl>
>> Allin Cottrell
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> --
> shi, qi

shi, qi

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