You're right that the unit root tests are telling you that you have a unit root 
in at least one series.

I'm confused about what your VAR looks like though (and maybe the rest of the 
list is too). If this is one of the series in your VAR, then it's not 
stable/stationary, by definition. That is, the lag operator polynomial will 
have at least one root on the unit circle. My earlier answer assumed that your 
unit root & cointegration tests ruled out both, but now it seems that's not the 

Relating to ths, how many series do you have in your VAR? My feeling is that 
100 obs per series isn't really a lot, especially if you're trying to sort out 
issues related to deterministic vs stochastic trends, cointegration vs none, 

At this point I'd suggest a) reading the gretl manual and/or your favorite 
reference on VARs & VECMs, and/or b) providing some more detail about what 
you're trying to do.

From: gretl-users-bounces(a)lists.wfu.edu [gretl-users-bounces(a)lists.wfu.edu] 
on behalf of Muheed Jamaldeen [mj.myworld(a)gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 6:59 PM
To: Gretl list
Subject: Re: [Gretl-users] Deterministic trend in VAR


I have 100 observations in the model. So small samples may or may not be an 
issue. I am wondering if the deterministic trend is an issue at all because the 
VAR is stable implying stationarity of the described process in each equation 
WITHOUT the trend (i.e. the polynomial defined by the determinant of the 
autoregressive operator has no roots in and on the complex unit circle without 
the time trend term).

The ADF tests suggest that we cannot reject the trend term. Let me show you an 
example. Following is the ADF tests for logged US GDP.

Monte Carlo studies suggest that choosing the lag order (p) of the unit root 
tests according to the formula: Int {12(T /100)1/ 4} so the lag order is 12 
with 100 observations.

test without constant
test statistic: tau_nc(1) = 2.13551
asymptotic p-value 0.9927

test with constant
test statistic: tau_c(1) = -1.28148
asymptotic p-value 0.6405

with constant and trend
test statistic: tau_ct(1) = -0.728436
 asymptotic p-value 0.9702

Following is the estimate for the trend term in the last ADF regression.

                        coefficient    std. error          t-ratio   p-value
time            0.000200838   0.000317669    0.6322   0.5292

So all three tests are saying that I cannot reject the null of unit root. 
Including I(1) variables in an unrestricted VAR is fine as Lutekepohl and Toda 
and Yammoto have demonstrated. It's a question of whether a trend term is to be 
included. I am inclined to think not because the VAR is stable WITHOUT a trend.




On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 1:17 AM, Summers, Peter 
<psummers(a)highpoint.edu<mailto:psummers(a)highpoint.edu>> wrote:

If your data have deterministic trends, then unit root tests should pick that 
up (though there may be a problem in small samples). If you include a trend but 
the dgp is stationary, then a t-test should conclude that the trend coefficient 
is zero. Presumably your unit root tests reject the null, right?

 On Behalf Of Muheed Jamaldeen
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 5:52 AM
To: Gretl list
Subject: [Gretl-users] Deterministic trend in VAR

Hi all,
Just a general VAR related question. When is it appropriate to include a 
deterministic time trend in the reduced form VAR? Visually some of the data 
series (not all) look like they have trending properties. In any case, does the 
inclusion of the time trend matter if the process is stable and therefore 
stationary (i.e. the polynomial defined by the determinant of the 
autoregressive operator has no roots in and on the complex unit circle) without 
the time trend term. Other than unit root tests, is there a better way to test 
whether the underlying data generating process has a stochastic or 
deterministic process?

I am mainly interested in the impulse responses.



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