You forgot the constant.

On 12/14/2011 08:25 AM, clarodina(a) wrote:
>  Allin Cottrell,
> The scatterplot with v1 on y axis and v2 on x axis gives y=17.9+0.0453x
> Using ols v1 v2 OR ols v2 v1 gives 0.181744 and 5.49601 coefficient
> which is different
> the scatterplot
> And the graph for selecting v1 against v2 fiitted vs obs is different
> from the graph from the scatterplot
> Wanted to save the residual against v2 from the scatterplot and have the
> value on the gretl
> How to do using GUI rather the command?
> Clarodina
> ? m6 <- ols v1 v2
> m6: OLS, using observations 1950-1954 (T = 5)
> Dependent variable: v1
>              coefficient   std. error   t-ratio   p-value
>   --------------------------------------------------------
>   v2          0.181744     0.00306098    59.37    4.82e-07 ***
> Mean dependent var   23.84800   S.D. dependent var   0.313321
> Sum squared resid    3.223300   S.E. of regression   0.897678
> R-squared            0.998867   Adjusted R-squared   0.998867
> F(1, 4)              3525.337   P-value(F)           4.82e-07
> Log-likelihood      -5.997112   Akaike criterion     13.99422
> Schwarz criterion    13.60366   Hannan-Quinn         12.94599
> rho                  0.620803   Durbin-Watson        0.419277
> ? m6 <- ols v2 v1
> m6: OLS, using observations 1950-1954 (T = 5)
> Dependent variable: v2
>              coefficient   std. error   t-ratio   p-value
>   --------------------------------------------------------
>   v1           5.49601     0.0925651     59.37    4.82e-07 ***
> Mean dependent var   131.0220   S.D. dependent var   6.532206
> Sum squared resid    97.47384   S.E. of regression   4.936442
> R-squared            0.998867   Adjusted R-squared   0.998867
> F(1, 4)              3525.337   P-value(F)           4.82e-07
> Log-likelihood      -14.52006   Akaike criterion     31.04012
> Schwarz criterion    30.64955   Hannan-Quinn         29.99189
> rho                  0.635889   Durbin-Watson        0.420088
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