On Sun, 29 Jan 2012, clarodina(a)lycos.com wrote:

> ols d1 const d2 and have the std error of d2
> what is the formula for calculating std error of d2? a manual 
> calculating of std error does not match the one on gretl

It matches if you calculate correctly:

open data4-1.gdt
ols price const sqft
sx1 = $stderr[2]
matrix X = {const, sqft}
s2 = sum($uhat^2) / ($T - $ncoeff)
matrix V = s2 * inv(X'X)
sx2 = sqrt(V[2,2])
printf "standard error of x: built-in = %g, manual = %g\n",
   sx1, sx2

Allin Cottrell

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