On Sun, 1 Apr 2012, Allin Cottrell wrote:

> On Sun, 1 Apr 2012, Artur Tarassow wrote:
>> One further point: only '--robust' but not '-hac' appears coloured in the 
>> script editor here.
> I'm not sure how to make pattern-matching "greedy" in gtksourceview (or even 
> if it's possible). What you're describing always happens when two option 
> strings share the first n characters. The --robust-hac option would have been 
> better named as just --hac.

Hah, it turns out that was quite easy to fix: --robust-hac 
should now be highlighted properly in CVS, along with any 
other options strings that share initial sub-strings with 
other options.

Allin Cottrell

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